County of Aramor

The County of Aramor lies in the extreme north-east corner of the Kingdom of Aria, with the Principality of Fangort and the Dwarven Cities of Gorgomoth to the south and the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse to the north. It is a large county, geographically, as it stretches from the Eastern Sea coast to more than 200 miles to the west. At close to 18,000 square miles, it is very nearly as large as its neighbor, Fangort.   In the regions along the coast, the territory is made up of fairly rough and rugged sandstone hills ending in steep cliffs fronted with long white sand beaches. As one moves west through the interior, the land flattens out to a 100-mile stretch of high desert and empty prairie with very few topographical features and no navigable rivers. It's southern border is entirely the Gorgomoth Mountains, while its northern edge faces the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse, defined by the Teeth of the North.   Aramor is ruled by Countess Roslyn Duclos, a 64-year-old Human, from her county seat in the city of Aramor.


Ruled by the Countess, Roslyn Duclos and divided into five Viscounties:  Aramonte, Dissuet, Trabet, Levamor and Grande Marche.  There is also a region of the County comprising about 500 square miles that is ruled by the Countess herself and is populated exclusively by a community of nearly 2,000 Prosk'aNara Elves that is called the Fort d'Elfes.

Demography and Population

The County of Aramor has 137,000 souls, and more than half of them are Human.  Nearly 30,000 Halflings live in the county, mostly near the coast.  There is also a significant Dwarf population (25,000) and about 5,000 Gnomes.  There are also more than 2,000 Elves that live in Aramor, most centered around a very secluded settlement on the north slope of the Gorgomoth Mountains and more than 100 miles west of the City of Aramor.


Aramor is truly vast in size.  It stretches from the shore of the Eastern Sea 200 miles into the interior of Aria, and encompasses the entire northeast corner of the Arian map.  More than two-thirds of the entire population lives within 60 miles of the coast, but settlements and communities can be found all the way to the County's border with the County of Morton.   216 miles of the County's northern border is with the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse, and it furthest northeast extent is right across the bay from the City of Grenwich.

Technological Level

One industry in the County of Aramor that ranks first in all the world is the harvest and exploitation of the Giant Kraken in the Eastern Sea.  This hunting and harvest is a monopoly licensed by the Countess to her rather distant relative and sole heir to her vast fortune and title, Thad Duclos.  While this harvest is exceedingly dangerous for all involved, the fruits of a successful hunt can net the County (or, specifically, the Countess) in excess of 200,000 urcs per animal.  The ships and equipment used in this harvest are exclusively manufactured in the Aramor city of Auritou on the Bay of Grenwich.

Foreign Relations

The County has excellent relations with the Dwarven Cities of Vendural and Gihdun and with the Principality of Fangort.  There is a strong trade between Aramor and the Duchy of Grenwich, as well, since the Countess has a real friendship with the Duke, Dogar Lann.  She has a more distant relationship with the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse and has had problematic corresponences with the King, Mak II.   Aramor's relations with its neighboring Counties are the most troublesome, however.  The Countess has all but promoted the raiding and harassing of farms and ranches across the border with both the County of Morton and Raymor and has actively tried to undermine Raymor's trade with the Dwarven Cities of Gorgomoth.

Agriculture & Industry

In the eastern half of the county, fishing and coastal trade are the driving economic factors, while the western portions of the county are dominated by farming, herding and resource development.  Harvest and exploitation of the sea are the primary revenue-generating industries of the coastal viscounties while farming and ranching provide for the rest of the agricultural and textile production.   The Countess owns a massive silver mine on the northern slope of the Gorgomoth range near the western extent of the City of Vendural's territory.  This mine complex produces several tons of high-grade silver ore (as well as an abundance of both lead and tin) per year, and also contributes to the wealth and influence of the Countess across the country.


Good roads, harbors and canals are found frequently in the eastern portions of the county, but the quality of roads decreases the further one travels west.  Most of the roads that lead to the large town of Grande Marche at the western extreme of the County are little more than cartpaths over the rough prairie soil.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
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