Godric am Mollus

Baron Godric am Mollus

Godric am Mollus was the last Baron of Minsloth from the House of Mollus, one of the oldest noble houses in Imesse. At the time of his arrest and trial, he was the 11th Baron of Minsloth. He died at the age of 71, leaving four sons to manage his vast family and its holdings and estates.   Godric became Baron of Minsloth in the year 203 AF during the last few years of the reign of Max I. Godric was particularly close to the Duke of Hekmo, both before and after he became Baron. Over the course of the next several years, the barony fell on hard times and Godric was forced to take large loans from Hekmo to keep himself and his family from a scandalous bankruptcy.   When the war with Colo commenced in 213 AF, Godric was in full support. He had become convinced that the invasion would allow him to reap both glory and gold aplenty. It quickly became apparent that this would not be the case, however. As the war dragged on and Imesse continued to lose men and treasure, the suggestion was made to invade Cobal to supplement and support the war in Colo. Godric again bought in whole-heartedly, even providing most of the river barges that would take the troops and horses across the Caldar.   After the Cobal invasion's defeat, the High King began looking for people to answer for the disasters' cost to the Kingdoms. A King's Court was established at Southridge, with Max II and Mak II both on the high bench. Godric was summoned, but he fled rather than stand before the court. He was quickly arrested and brought to the two Kings, where it became obvious that his corruption and graft were far worse than suspected. It was proven that he had been falsifying records to reduce his vassal tax to both Kingdoms for years, and that he had conspired to not participate in the invasion of Cobal under false pretenses. Furthermore, 14 of the ships that he provided for the invasion were seized under false pretenses and the loss of those ships became his personal responsibility, resulting in an automatic fine of 280,000 guilders to the true owners of the vessels.   On December 18, 216 AF, Godric am Mollus was stripped of all titles, rights and privilege and was beheaded at King's Commons in Southridge. The title of Baron of Minsloth was passed to Amon am Beldari four months later.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In certain circles, evidence has come to light that shows that Turl, Duke of Hekmo, actually had a greater hand in the conviction of Godric by the King's Court than had previously been thought.  Many now think that he provided evidence and testimony that took much of the blame for the failed war in Colo and the failed invasion of Cobal (both of which he planned from the start) and placed it squarely on Godric's neck.


Family Ties

Godric was survived by four sons: Godwin, Gerick, Ohlin and Hollis. The Mollus family is ancient, wealthy and spread all over the southern half of Imesse.
71 at his death
145 AF 216 AF 71 years old
Circumstances of Death
Executed for High Crimes and Cowardice
Place of Death
Current Residence
Buried at Belfrick, Lesser Imesse
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations