Max II

His Royal Majesty, High King Max II am Maxalli

Max II was the eldest twin son of the King of Imesse Max am Maxalli and his Queen, Ethel of the Noble House of Borri.  A few months before his death, Max I divided the Kingdom of Imesse at the Caldar River into the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse to the south and the High Kingdom of Imesse to the north.  Max II was crowned the first High King of Imesse and his younger twin brother, Mak am Maxalli was crowned King of Lesser Imesse.   Max II was an capable monarch with much to offer his subjects, but who trusted too much in nobles, officials and counselors that did not have the best interests of the Kingdoms, or the High King, as their priority.  Max II loved his brother Mak very much, and did not want to overshadow the younger king by dictating policy and direction from Northridge to Southridge.  This meant that the two Kingdoms began to diverge dramatically in their policies and administration almost immediately.  This was compunded by the early death of Mak after only two years on the Throne of Southridge because Mak's son, Mak II was far more dynamic, capable and driven then his sickly father had been.   Within four years of taking the throne, Max II's northern kingdom was in a much different economic state than its southern half.  Taxes were high and going higher, infrastructure was becoming increasingly neglected, and cronyism, bribery and nepotism were the political realities of the state.  Amidst this downturn was a rising concept among the elite of the country that the woes they were witnessing were the fault of non-humans (Dwarves, Gnomes and especially Halflings) failing to uphold, or even understand, the conept of Human supremecy in the realm's political and economic functioning.  This contrasted sharply with the economic and social upswing in the south, where a laissez faire policy (to use an Arian phrase) had led to an increase in royal revenues, inprovements and expansion of infrastucture and an economic explosion of new industries, farms and settlements.   This divergence in policy and the resulting consequences of poor policies and bad decisions led to an increasing deficit in production, revenue and opportunity.  Then, around 210 AF, a bad harvest brought real hardship to much of the northern region of Imesse, and fast but short-sighted solutions were sought by the elite.  An ill-concieved and poorly-led invasion of Colo, followed by another disasterous invasion of Cobal, brought the two Kingdoms to the brink of utter destruction.  With the end of these costly and fruitless conflicts came the realization that Max II had to basically start his reign over and begin anew, first and foremost by removing the counselors and advisors that had led the countries into the crisis in the first place.   Max II died suddenly in his sleep in March of 228 AF of what many believe was a massive stroke due to the contortions of his face when he was discovered in the morning.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A healthy man, tall and athletic, who stayed fit even into his later years. He was an able rider and an adept swordsman, but never saw any actual combat or tournament fighting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Max II was the elder twin son of Max I who divided his kingdom between his sons, Max and Mak.  Max was crowned High King of All Imesse on August 2, 207 AF in Southridge with his brother Mak as King of Lesser Imesse.  Max was a much healthier child than his brother, Mak, who inherited his father's chronic ill health.  Max was an exceptional rider and enjoyed jousts and races (although he was never allowed to participate in an actual competitive tournament).

Failures & Embarrassments

Max is most often remembered for his involvement in two losing military endeavors during his reign, one in Colo and one in Cobal. Neither were entirely his fault, but he was the King who authorized the ventures and both cost the kingdom millions in guilders and thousands of lives.  His trust in the advice and counsel of a select few nobles who were never working with the best interests of the Kingdoms in their minds but purely for their own personal gains was the greatest failure in his reign as High King.

Intellectual Characteristics

Max can best be described as being too trusting of his presumed friends and allies.  As the High King, he had no actual close, personal friends.  All the people he dealt with on a daily basis were either his political rivals or his subjects and servants.

Personality Characteristics


Max was particularly focused on expanding the control of Imesse onto a greater portion of the world.  Driven to make his son, Max III, the leader he imagined he needed to be at any cost.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Max placed an incredible amount of trust in his counsellors and advisors, especially Turl am Nari.  Putting that amount of trust in the foresight and planning abilities of subjects that often did not have the King's best interests at heart was his greatest failing.

Likes & Dislikes

Max II greatly disliked drunkenness, especially at his court.  Whenever he hosted a dinner or feast, only new wine or weak beer was ever served and his preference was always for watered-down apple wine.

Vices & Personality flaws

Very demanding of his subjects and his family. He grew very angry when his expectations were not immediately met. Loved to micromanage all aspects of life in court.  He was especially hard on his young son, Max III, demanding instant compliance and adherence to any instruction or expectation he might give the child.  He was also a harsh husband to his wife, who was 25 years younger than he was.  It was rumored that he only visited her bed after their marriage a very few times, and once she was known to be with child, never touched her again.



Max II reigned as High King from 207 AF until 228 AF.

Family Ties

Brother to the first King of Lesser Imesse, uncle to the next.  Many relatives and family relations throughout the realm.

Religious Views

Surprisingly devout in the practice of his faith (Pantheon of Heaven) and prone to follow the advice and proclamations of his augurs and priests.


Max II


Towards Sabine Toricki

Sabine Toricki


Towards Max II

Wealth & Financial state

While the Kingdom suffered great financial hardship during his reign, Max died a very, very wealthy man. He left his fortune to be split between his only son and his wife.
55 at his death
173 AF 228 AF 55 years old
Circumstances of Death
Possible stroke
Place of Death
Sabine Toricki (spouse)
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization