Hekmo Keep

The Keep at Hekmo is the residence and stronghold of the Duke of Hekmo. It is a massive castle complex, covering the better part of 12 acres and is comprised of the central Keep, an inner bailey wall and gate, an outer bailey walls and gates, and many additional buildings, towers and structures. The Keep is located about 1,000 yards upstream from the City of Hekmo center on the Hekloth River, and is a few minutes walk from the City's Castle Gate (the closest gate to the castle).

Purpose / Function

Primary residence and stronghold of Turl am Nari, Duke of Duchy of Hekmo.


Made with the finest selections of the local limestone and expertly laid, the Keep at Hekmo is a first rate fortress complex.  Capable of housing as many as 300 men-at-arms within its baileys, and with residence space for as many as 160 non-military residents and household staff.  Vast and strong storage cellars are located beneath the Keep and many of the larger towers.  There are also several barns and even a few functional silos for fodder and feed for horses and livestock.  No fewer than seven wells are located within the outer walls of the castle, giving the complex a near unlimited supply of fresh water.


Construction began on this fortress during the rule of Duke Tovar am Nari, and was completed during the rule of his son, Torn am Nari.  The only significant changes or improvements made by the current Duke have been within the residence halls and private chambers of the Keep itself.
Alternative Names
Black Keep
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization