Torn am Nari

His Grace, Duke Torn am Nari (a.k.a. The Good Duke)

Torn am Nari was the second Duke of Hekmo and the father of the current Duke, Turl am Nari. He ruled the Duchy for 29 peaceful and prosperous years and is fondly remembered amongst the people of the duchy as "the Good Duke".   Torn was the only son of the first Duke of Hekmo, Tovar am Nari. He was an exceptional leader of men, inspiring trust and commitment in both his men-at-arms and the common folk of the duchy. He implemented policies that led to the development of vast areas of the northern duchy from rough, wild woodlands to productive farming estates, established several mining interests in the hills north of Hekmo, founded the Briary of Tobrick and improved or rebuilt the three marcher fortress complexes along the Colian border. Many roads were improved or constructed, canals were dug and new ports established along the Hekloth, Relloth and Calas Rivers. In short, duchy revenues rose with each new project completion and the population began to boom.   Torn was also renowned for his martial abilities. He was a champion tournament competitor at all events, but especially in the joust. He was a very large man, standing more than 6' and weighing more than 14 stones (200 lbs), and thus was terribly difficult to unseat from his magnificent team of Cobal Chargers bred and trained specifically for the lists. He first competed in a tournament at the young age of 16, winning the Grand Melee of the King's Day Tournament in Cyell in 156 AF (the summer before he became Duke) by being the last man standing in a field of 26 armored and experienced knights. Tales of that particular event are still told to this day in the City of Cyell with much amazement.   With all his famed prowess at tournament participation, it was a tournament that ended his life. While competing in a King's Day tournament in Northridge in 190 AF, Torn was struck in the neck by a lance during the final tilt of the event. The bleeding couldn't be stopped, and he died at the age of 49 years.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Torn was not a very affectionate or attentive father to his children, preferring instead to focus his attention on the administration of the duchy and his obsession with tournament competitions.  As a result, none of his surviving children are particularly successful parents, either.


157 AF to 190 AF


Goditha Morn


Towards Torn am Nari


Torn am Nari


Towards Goditha Morn


49 at his death
141 AF 190 AF 49 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in a joust
Goditha Morn (Wife)