Kanus Barka

Quaestor Kanus Barka

Kanus Barka is a male Elf of the Prosk'aNara that is the chosen leader of the Silv'aNara Elves that have settled in the Quiltae village of Silvame.

Mental characteristics


Kanus is the Quaestor, or chosen leader of the Prosk'aNara .Elves of Silvame.  He has been the Quaestor there for 10 years of a 25 year term.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kanus Barka has become known as one of the most accomplished dragon hunters in the world.  Perhaps his greatest claim to this title is the simple fact that he single-handedly fought and killed two mature Forest Dragons that had tried to take up residence in the Quiltae over the last 100 years.  He has also hunted and eliminated no fewer than 74 Wyvern, 14 of them while he has been Quaestor.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Kanus speaks Elvish, Fangorian, Caldarian, Arian and Dwarven.  He is also rather capable in Drakonic, in as much as a non-dragon can be.
Ruled Locations