
Silvame is the name of a village of Elves that reside in the Fangorian forest known as Quiltae. Silvame is a village of more than 200 Prosk'aNara that came to live after fighting with the Prince of Fangort as volunteers during the Ten Winter War with Prince Rodin I Argoni on 107 AF.  After the war, the surviving Elves were granted rights to settle and live in the Quiltae by Rodin himself, for as long as they chose to remain and as long as they kept the Prince's peace.   The village of Silvame is a small community, but it is an important one to the region.  The Silv'aNara (as they have come to call themselves) have tamed much of the wild and dangerous Quiltae forest and now manage and harvest the wealth of the forest to the benefit of the Principality and themselves.


231 Prosk'aNara Elves, and 113 Humans live in and around Silvame.


Silvame is ruled by a Quaestor, or executive, that is elected from the Elven population of Silvame for a period of 25 years. The Quaestor makes determinations of policy and defense for the entire community and acts as judge for disputes or criminal behavior.  The title Quaestor stems from an Elvish verb that means "to inquire" or "to investigate" and the title has come to represent the judge or arbiter of the community. The current Quaestor of Silvame is Kanus Barka and he has governed for 10 years.

Industry & Trade

Silvame has become famous for procuring or producing rare magical/medicinal items and components.  Yew Beard, tree galls, rare and/or exotic fruit and nuts, heartwood, flowers, and (of course) various woods along with rare or dangerous animal parts that can be collected or harvested within the Quiltae are all collected and distributed from the village.


The village of Silvame is primarily built of stone and wood structures, and a 12' wall surrounds most of the settlement.  Roads and alleys within the village are paved with stone, and many of the homes and shops have running water supplied by powerful artesian wells located throughout the area.  One of these springs, known as the Silvame Spring, flows from the center of the settlement and is widely believed to have significant healing properties.

Guilds and Factions

The only actual factions that exist in Silvame are the inhabitants.  Roughly two-thirds of Silvame is Elven and one-third is Human.  Both races live together in peace and harmony most of the time, but occasionally there is mild friction that might need to be addressed by the Quaestor.  Silvame has no Guard or Watch and all inhabitants are expected (indeed, required) to aid in the defense of the village should danger present.

Points of interest

The Silvame Spring is a large artesian spring located in the center of the village.  It's initial point of origin is a pool roughly 10' by 30' with an outlet that lets the water flow out and through stone-lined canal that meanders through the village and out into the forest.  The Spring is locally famed for its potent healing properties and many locals swear that simply pouring the water over wounds has an immediate and measurable effect.  Drinking the water is also believed to strengthen the body and ward off everything from seasonal colds to problem pregnancies.  Teas and infusions made from the water are thought to increase fertility, intelligence and even bring good luck.

Natural Resources

Silvame has an abundance of produce and products that are collected, harvested or created from the bounty of Quiltae Forest.  From rare and expensive magical items and components to specialty wood for weapon making or ship building.  The Elves of Silvame have eestablished a robust business in all sorts of hard-to-find items reaped from the ancient woods.
The village square of Silvame, with the famous Silvame Spring showing prominently
Founding Date
119 AF
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Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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