
The Quiltae, or the Woods, in the Fangorian tongue, is a large ancient forest that dominates the northern border of the Principality of Fangort and the Kingdom of Aria along the Agihd River.  Sandwiched between the Agihd River to the north and the Hear (Western) Mountain range of Fangort, it is a dense and lush hardwood forest covering some 500 square miles of river plain and softly rolling foothills.   The Quiltae is predominantly a hardwood forest, with hundreds of square miles of oak, beech, elm, yew, ash, chestnut, hickory, maple and walnut.  This forest has an abundance of wildlife living in and amongst these miles of trees, including wild boar, deer, elk, mink, martins, otter, beaver, rabbit, all types of rodents and squirrels.  Turkey, quail, partridge, doves, cranes and grouse are found throughout the forest.  Predators include wolves, foxes, Smilodon, Cave Lion, bear, lynx, badger and wolverine.  There have been two rather infamous Forest Dragons to inhabit the forest over the last 100 years, and at least a dozen broods of Wyvern have plagued the region in the same span of time.   The forest of Quiltae is populated mainly by about 200 Elves, known to the rest of Elven-kind as Prosk'aNara but referring to themselves as Sylv'aNara, which translates as "wood elves" or "elves of the woods".  These Elves live in a large settlement they call Silvame, which is nestled in a deep and secluded glen in the weestern half of the Quiltae.
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