
The Prosk'aNara are an Elven people that have forgone the established traditional Elven culture and adopted a wandering, diasporic lifestyle.  Some have settled in areas and regions far from Naru while others have taken to wandering from region to region in far-ranging caravans of large family groups.  The root of the Elvish word Prosk'aNara denotes a traveller or journeyer, and the "nara" suffix gives the culture its Elvish origins.   Prosk'aNara are known within the traditional world of the Elven Realm of Naru as Vagari, or "wanderers" in Elvish.  They are generally looked down on by the elites of Naru as uncultured and ignorant, and are hated only slightly less than the Naruian Elves by the Drowkin as shameless degenerates who would rather associate with inferior races than embrace their superior nature.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Conventions vary widely among the Prosk'aNara communities, often reflecting traditions and practices more akin to other local peoples than traditional Elven naming conventions.  Generally, family or tribal relations are denoted in surnames while individual names tend to be more varied and less structured.


Major language groups and dialects

Prosk'aNara speak Elvish, with only slight variations in vocabulary applying to regional or cultural differences with their origins in Naru.

Shared customary codes and values

Prosk'aNara as a whole focus their lives and efforts to experience as much of the world as they can, and to make it a better place for all races and peoples. Settled communities actively contribute to the welfare and improvement of the land, people and creatures within their sphere of influence.  Some examples of settled communities of Prosk'aNara are the Sylv'aNar of the Quiltae in Fangort,   Travelling communities offer trade, learning and services to villages, towns and cities they encounter in their slow journey across the lands and seas.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Prosk'aNara are unique among the Elves in that they exclusively cremate their dead.  Once the cremation pyre has burned out, the remaining ashes are ignored.

Common Taboos

As a culture, the Prosk'aNara abhore slavery or forced servitude of any intelligent creature.  These Elves pride themselves as having shunned the culture that wrought such pain and suffering on hundreds of thousands of Gnomes and Halflings since the Elves first came to this part of the world.
A Prosk'aNara male from the Kingdom of Imarus
A Vagari hunter from Fangort
Encompassed species
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