Killmor Abbey

The Killmor Abbey of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven is a segment of the larger religious complex of the Grand Temple of Killmor.  It is operated and staffed by the Order as a hospital and school of healing and is a center for the study and practice of spiritual, traditional and magical methods of medicine and healing.

Purpose / Function

The Abbey is a hospital and a school of traditional and magical healing, operated by Sisters of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven.

Sensory & Appearance

Hundreds of candles scent the air with infused incense and light an already bright and well-lit interior of the nave and arcades.  Large stained glass windows bring in vast amounts of outside light.  On holy days or feasts, the central nave of the Abbey is where the Sisters of the Order will gather and sing hymns to the Pantheon of Heaven.


Led by the Reverend Mother of the Abbey, there are seven Priestesses and 41 avowed Sisters and 11 novitiates living and working at the Abbey.


Built of dressed and carved red sandstone in the traditional tri-arched facade of the Faith, the main portion of the Abbey stands 88' high at its peak and is 111' feet long.  Within this tall, long structure is the main nave of the Abbey, defined by thick columns supporting an arched arcade where shrines and altars to the pantheon of gods are to be found.  Once through the nave, one enters the main hospital which is a large, two-story structure of the same stone construction.  The hospital is divided into large square rooms, called wards, where there are many beds arranged for those needing care or healing.
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization