Grand Temple, Killmor

The Grand Temple on Grande Isle in the City of Killmor is the jewel of the entire County of Killmor. It is the primary place of worship in the County, and the seat of religious authority for more than 100,000 people.  Constructed on the ruins of a smaller and simpler temple that had been destroyed during the Ten Winter War more than 120 years ago, the Grand Temple of Killmor is a beautiful and ornate structure that draws the faithful from miles around.   Covering the majority of the Grande Isle in the middle of the Arukill River, the Grand Temple of Killmor is a vast complex of buildings.  Aside from the Temple itself, there is a large rectory and administrative center where the Grand Ecclesiast and all the temple priests and staff work and reside.  There is an Abbey of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven with a school and a hospital connected to it.  There is a large formal garden located at the center of the complex where a fountain throws water high into the air amidst flowers and shrubs.  The Daughters of Heaven have a hospital with the capacity to house as many as 70 patients in need of magical, medicinal or spiritual healing.  They also have a school where instruction is given in the arts of healing, writing, preaching, teaching and speaking to both members of the Order and select members of the nobility.

Purpose / Function

The main temple and ecclesiastical center of the County of Killmor.  There is a large temple complex here, as well as a large school, administrative center, a hospital, a rectory and a small Abbey of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven.

Contents & Furnishings

One item of particular interest is a desicated Orc skull displayed in a memorial chapel of the Temple built to commemorate those that died fighting the Great Orc Invasion of 107 AF.  While the skull itself is not venerated, it is on permanent display as a trophy of the victors that fought in the name of the Pantheon of Heaven.


The votive vaults of the Grand Temple are legendary even within the Pantheon of Heaven faith.  Some estimates put the vaults total contents of precious metal at more than 6,000 lbs.


The temple complex covers a majority of the entire Grande Isle, nearly a half of a square mile of island.  The entire complex is more than 200 acres, and dozens of buildings.  There are four stone arch bridges giving access to the island and the complex, two to the west bank and two to the east bank.


The Grand Temple itself is a large domed structure standing more than 50' high at its peak, with huge arched stained glass windows and a surrounding colonnade of marble arches around the entire building.  To the temple's front is a large square with a great fountain at its center and manicured lawns and garden beds surrounding it.  The square fronts the main temple, a cloister attached to the novitiate school and the facade of the Abbey of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven.
The plaza of the Grand Temple at Killmor
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization