Order of the Daughters of Heaven

The Order of the Daughters of Heaven is a religious order of women dedicated to the practice and promolgation of the Pantheon of Heaven faith. It is primarily made up of schools, abbeys and convents operated and occupied by priestesses, cenventuals, canonesses and novices all following the same code of conduct.   The operational center for the Order is the The Grand Abbey located in the City of Malamor.  Its current leader is Holy Mother Gracelyn Allard.  Order maintains four additional abbeys besides the Grand Abbey, as well as numerous hospitals, schools and oracle sites.


The Order is centered around various religious sites, typically oracles, schools, hospitals or abbeys. The Order is led by the Holy Mother of the Order, a priestess of the highest rank within the Order and equivalent in rank to an Ecclesiast. Under the Holy Mother are priestesses titled Reverend Mother, and these typically are in charge of specific locations and institutions belonging to the Order.  Reverend Mothers are equivalent to a High Priestess within a temple.


Founded nearly 600 years ago, the Order is as prestigious as it is ancient.  Its schools and hospitals produce learned priestesses that can then go out into the world teaching and healing in the name of all the gods.  Its oracles and auguraries are famous for their portents and prophesies.  The current Holy Mother, Gracelyn Allard, is the 27th Holy Mother of the Order and the longest ruling one ever.


The Order maintains many institutions around the world, but the majority of them fall into one of five catagories:  Hospitals, Schools, Auguraries, Oracles and Abbeys.   Hospitals are run by priestesses with the rank of Praceptor, and they are responsible for the training, assigning and organization of hundreds of priestess healers.  Schools are led by priestesses with the rank of Magister, training and organizing priestess teachers.  Auguraries are led by a priestess ranked as Auspex who trains augurs.  Oracles are led by priestess Oracles who train seers to maintain the many oracle sites and temples.  Abbeys are communities of priestesses and noviciates that live a cloistered life but provide a service or resource to the local faithful.
Founding Date
356 BF
Religious, Holy Order
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members