Lord Exchequer of Imesse

The Lord Exchequer of the High Kingdom of Imesse is one of the most influential positions in the government. With the control of the Kingdom's purse, this position often has some of the greatest power and responsibility behind the High King himself. In reecent years, however, the position has also come with quite a bit of pressure. The northern Realm has fallen on hard times, economically, and the call for increased funds for nearly everything has the Exchequer working long hours to find the means to finance the Kingdom.   The current Lord Exchequer is Eldon am Bondari.


Ultimately responsible for the establishing and accounting of all revenues and debts within the northern Realm of the High Kingdom.  The Lord Exchequer is also the chief administrator of all coinage and minting in the northern-half of the High Kingdom.  He alone can issue the grants to mint coins, establish new taxes and fees, appoint officials to monitor and oversee the collection and distribution of revenues within the Kingdom.  This duty is huge and a terrible burden on anyone undertaking it.


Typically, the role of Lord of the Exchequer is a lucrative office, as kickbacks, bribes, gifts and allowances are an accepted and expected part of the financial game of funding the Kingdom.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
My Lord
Equates to
Lord of the Realm
Source of Authority
Appointed by the High King
Current Holders
Reports directly to