Eldon am Bondari

My Lord, Eldon am Bondari

Eldon am Bondari is the current Lord Exchequer of the High Kingdom of Imesse.  He is a close cousin of the Baron of Cyell, Fulton am Bondari and is a distant relation to the High King himself through marriage.   Lord Eldon's appointment to one of the highest offices in the Realm is mostly due to the influence of the Duke of Hekmo, Turl am Nari.  Turl was convinced that the younger Bondari was far more pliable than the Baron Bondari, and his associations with the north were obvious and undeniable.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Once a fit, muscular man, Eldon has grown increasingly fat and is showing no intention of addressing the problem soon.

Personality Characteristics


Eldon is an ambitious and greedy man.  He feels he is owed far more than has been given to him thus far in his life.  He has no scrupples or conscience when it comes to securing his own success, be it legitimate or ill-gained.

Virtues & Personality perks

Eldon is a prodigious drinker, favoring expensive Arian wines from Aramor that he uses Royal revenues to pay for. His home is very nearly a palace, with several halls and kitchens, ten bedrooms and more than 50 servants.
Currently Held Titles
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