Mathis Boucher (boo-share)

His Grace, Count Mathis Boucher

Mathis Boucher is the current Count of Balmor and the son-in-law of Count Ranald Dechateone of Dunmor.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Healthy, active, strong and good looking for a man his age.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mathis was born to a very authoritarian and controlling father, Count Mace Boucher.  Mathis was never allowed to make any decisions or exercise any sort of authority or control prior to the death of his father in 212 AF.  Since that time, he has not been a very effective leader.  Mathis is a capable soldier, and an accomplished rider and archer, but seems incapable of making difficult decisions when it comes to ruling his County.

Failures & Embarrassments

Mathis defers nearly every decision of any significance or import to his wife, Rain Boucher.  Several years his elder, and never particuarly close, the couple are living an arranged marriage of convenience, wherein Rain makes all the difficult and usually very important decision.

Intellectual Characteristics

Indecisive, unsure and utterly lacking in confidence in his ability to lead.

Personality Characteristics


Mathis is looking to play the part of the just and noble Count, without ever having to make a meaningful decision or judgement.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mathis never sits as judge at an assize court without his wife, Rain, being with him on the bench. Rain nevr speaks during these trials, but they have developed a series of signs and gestures by which Rain can express her judgement to him and he can then pronounce it to the court.


Family Ties

The Boucher family is an old family and has ruled the County of Balmor for more than 150 years, and Mathis' father had many children and he granted many of his children and grandchildren lands and titles, so Mathis has many relatives in many important positions both inside the County and across the broader country.

Social Aptitude

When in the presence of his wife, Mathis is charming, talkative and seemingly at-ease.  When not in the company of his wife, Mathis is nervous, hesitant to speak, and very non-commital.

Hobbies & Pets

Mathis spends a great deal of time and money on his falconry, his hunting hounds, and his archery.  He is an avid hunter, an accomplishd rider and an exceptional archer.


Mathis Boucher


Towards Rain Dechateone


Rain Dechateone


Towards Mathis Boucher


Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy, both through his own family fortunes and through the dowry gained by marrying the eldest daughter of the Count of Dunmor.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations