Ranald Dechateone (dee-shaty-ohn)

His Grace, Count Ranald Dechateone

Ranald Dechateone is the current Count of Dunmor. He has ruled the County for more than 50 years, and is counted as one of the most powerful and influential figures in the entire Kingdom of Aria. He is a master at playing the political games so common amongst the ruling elite of the Kingdom, and counts as many enemies amongst them as he does allies.   Ranald's second daughter, Renee Dechateone is the mother of the reigning King of Aria, Tessian Carrel, making him the maternal grandfather of the reigning monarch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ranald Dechateone became the Count of Dunmor at the age of 22, and has ruled from his home at Castel Chateone for more than 50 years. In his youth, Ranald was a renowned fighter and won great victories in two campaigns against invading orc hordes from the southern mountains. In the half a century since, he has grown thin and frail, barely maintaining a weight of 8 stones (112 lbs.).   Ranald had a very rocky relationship with his son-in-law, Marcel III. The former King did not take kindly to Ranald's nearly constant interference in life at Court, and in the last two years of his reign, Marcel refused to allow Ranald to even attend Court at all. Ranald's grandson, Tession, vividly recalls his dead father's issues with Ranald, and did not lift the ban for his grandfather until the year after he was crowned King.   The same year he became Count, he married the Lady Liliane Dumont, a high-born member of an ancient royal line of Arian kings. Liliane bore Ranald three daughters and a son. Her last pregnancy was a very difficult delivery, and she never had any other children. Liliane passed away in 225 AF from a stroke. She had been Countess for 43 years and was 68 years old. Four years after Liliane's death, Ranald married again to Gisele Magnier, a 27-year-old noble from Daynmor. It was hoped that the marriage would bring the two Counties closer together and resolve some of the differences they had suffered over the decades of Ranald's reign as Count. The marriage did not bring the two families closer, but it did produce two more children: 4-year-old Dunstan and 2-year-old Lucien.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ranald has built a solid association and even some grudging trust with the Counties of Delmor, Balmor, Raymor and Telmor.  This gives him near total control of the entire western half of the realm.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ranald has simultaneously alienated himself utterly from the Counties of Aramor, Malmor and Daynmor, as well as barely being welcome to attend his own grandson's Royal Court.

Personality Characteristics


Ranald is very ambitious in regards to his family's future.  Marrying his line into not one, but two Royal Houses of the Realm (Royal House of Dumont and Royal House of Carrel did heap influence and prestige on himself and his children, but it has not made him popular amongst his peers and the elite of the Kingdom.



Ranald has been Count for nearly 51 years.

Contacts & Relations

His daughter, Renee, married the previous King, Marcel III Carrel and still maintains the title of Queen, at least until her son, Tessian marries.  Despite this, Ranald is hated by nearly every member of the Royal House of Carrel, including his grandson, the King.

Family Ties

Ranald is the maternal grandfather of the King of Aria, Tessian Carrel. He is the father-in-law to the Count of Balmor, Mathis Boucher and the first cousin to the Count of Raymor, Guy Delauney.


Liliane Dumont


Towards Ranald Dechateone


Ranald Dechateone


Towards Liliane Dumont


Ranald Dechateone


Towards Gisele Magnier


Gisele Magnier


Towards Ranald Dechateone


Wealth & Financial state

Controlling a huge swath of the western frontier with the Realm of Naru more than one hundred miles of the Arial and Arul Rivers, Ranald maintains a staggering fortune.  Revenues of more than 150,000 urcs a year, easily.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Count of Dunmor, Knight Protector of the Realm, Lord Marshal of the Arul
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations