Piers Barret

His Serene Holiness, Piers Barret

Piers Barret is the Grand Ecclesiast of the Grand Temple at Southridge and a member of the High Council of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse. He is a 71-year-old Human that is very popular amongst the faithful of the city for his open and ready charity to the poor and unfortunate.   Piers has spent his entire life in the confines of the Faith of the Pantheon of Heaven, being raised by the clergy since an infant. He is devout in his belief and passionate about his vocation as an elder of the religious hierarchy. As the Grand Ecclesiast of Southridge, he is committed to providing relief to the poor, sick and down-trodden and has made great efforts to build a clerical school in the city where new novitiates can be educated and groomed as he was.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Piers was born in a brothel on the river docks in the City of Tarimor.  He was abandoned on the steps of the city's Grand Temple before he was a year old, and was raised on the Temple's precincts until he was old enough to be educated as a priest in the Faith.  He was a very astute student, and excelled at his studies.  His ability to calculate numbers and figures surprised and astounded his mentors even as a child, and his charm and obvious wit gained him quick promotion as a young novitiate.   Piers was sent to Southridge by the faith's Council of Hagiarchs during the initial construction of the Grand Temple at Southridge more than 45 years ago. Piers was simply a priest back then, with a particular ability to manage numbers and accounts and it was thought his skill would aid the construction effort. He is now the ranking clergyman in all the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse and an influential member of the King's High Council.

Personality Characteristics


He is a believer in the validity and import of the tenets of the Faith, and tempers his advice and counsel to the King of Lesser Imesse with this belief.  He is genuinely concerned for the poor, the dispossed, the sick and the persecuted.


Religious Views

A dedicated and devout adherent to the Faith of the Pantheon of Heaven.  He feels compelled to give back all he has received from the Faith ten-fold to those in need.
Tarimor, Aria
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations