Red Roof Inn

The Red Roof Inn is the largest stone-built structure in the Junn Harr seasonal encampment known as Zimnii Gorod, or the Winter City in Junnharic.  Located on the eastern edge of the city when the population is at its highest, it is a fairly isolated complex of buildings for the rest of the year.  The Red Roof is located very near the river and caters to Caldarian-speaking merchants and traders looking to do business with the herders and woolers of the great Junn Steppe.   The Inn is owned and operated by Allan Shaw, a 55-year-old Human originally from the City of Elisar in western Cobal.  Shaw was a herdsman himself for 30 years, driving cattle and horses across the western regions of Cobal to markets along the Caldar River.  The hard work, long days and very dangerous environs took its toll, however, and Shaw decided to settle down.  He had fallen for a very pretty young Junn woman named Iryna and decided to let her pick where to settle, and she chose her favorite section of riverbank on the Caldar River.  That was where Shaw began to build his new home.

Purpose / Function

Providing rooms, meals, supplies and fodder for tradesman and merchants from further east on the Caldar River.


Owned by Allan Shaw and his wife Iryna, and working alongside them are there four children and 11 other live-in employees including a farrier, two cooks, a wagoner, a seamstress, two bath attendants and four maids/servers.

Contents & Furnishings

16 well appointed rooms with a total of 32 beds and accomodations for 12 servants above the stables.  The kitchen serves four meals a day and brews a fine ale as well as providing casks of favorite brews and wines from further east.  Rooms are 2s a night, meals are another silver punt, and drinks are 2p a piece.


Stone walls with a timber-framed roof covered in distinctive red tile brought by barge from the owner's hometown of Elisar.  The inn is basically two long wings of two stories each, and a large round stone kitchen attached to one wing.  The front of the inn faces a large courtyard where one can find beds of flowers and herbs and dozens of chickens.  Behind the inn is a large stable and a good-sized bathhouse where guests can bath in fresh or hot water baths and a scalding-hot steam room.  Less than a hundred yards from the inn are three docks allowing barges of up to 60' to tie up and unload.


The stone walls of the inn are thick and strong, the roof is fireproof, and the doors are all of iron-banded oak timbers.  The owner keeps a trio of Junn wolfhounds (locally called volkodavi) of amazing size and strength to protect the property and alert the owner of any danger.  These beasts are supremely well trained and well behaved, but when danger presents they are formidable guardians of the inn and its residents.
The Red Roof Inn of Zimnii Gorod
The dining hall of the Red Roof Inn
Founding Date
Parent Location