City of Elisar

The City of Elisar is the seat of the Ward of Elisar and the home to 11,000 souls. It is a vibrant, busy place protected by stout, newly-completed walls and towers. It is a center of river traffic and trade for much of the western half of the Kingdom, with many shipwright businesses located in or very near the city walls.   The largest building in the City is the High Keep, an imposing structure of white stone standing more than 90' at it's peak. It is a huge tower keep, roughly 60' by 80' at its base, with three smaller towers dominating its corners. It is the official residence of the Warden of Elisar, Riley Oldgate , a 49-year-old Human ship builder that has made his fortune designing and building bigger and better riverboats.  While the city is ultimately under the Warden's authority, the daily administration of the city is left to the Lord Mayor, Martin Shaws.


The City of Elisar is primarily a Human city.  Most of the inhabitants within the city walls are Human, but roughly 1,500 Halflings live just outside the walls on the banks of the Manito River.


Ultimate authority is with the Warden, but the Mayor is the highest local authority.  He leads a City Council of nobles, merchants and tradesman that assist him in making sound decisions in the City's best interests.  The Mayor is the chief judge of the area, and the peace is enforced by the City Guard, made up of five Companies of Rangers led by the Guard Captain.


Newly completed walls surround the Lower City, and strong, well-maintained walls and towers keep the Old City safe and secure.  Roads are wide, well paved and well drained to facilitate the movement of soldiers in the event of an attack.  Water cisterns are located throughout the city, as well as deep wells and fresh fountains.  Three large, deep canals cross the city and provide water access from the Manito River to the west side of town.  At the main gate to the Old City is the last bridge to cross the Manito until it meets the Caldar.  This stone bridge is defended by massive towers at both ends, and is built entirely of finely finished stone.


The Old City is the walled section of the city that contains the Bridge Keep, the High Keep, and many fine and stately residences of the wealthiest members of Elisar society.  The Lower City is newly walled, and still a very fine portion of the city, but it is far newer than the Old City.  Rising above the Old City on a steep and wood-covered hill is the Temple Hill district, named for the large temple to the Pantheon of Heaven located at its highest and furthest west extent.  Downstream of the Lower City is a neighborhood known locally as Mudward, as it is prone to at least one flood event every spring (and sometimes more).  For this reason, most structures in Mudward and all homes are built with all residential rooms located above the first floor, to mitigate the damage caused by the muddy spring waters.
A View of the City of Elisar, showing the river walls, Wardens Bridge and the High Keep.
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