Roaring Hearth Inn

Purpose / Function

A large inn providing rooms, meals, baths and stables for travellers and visitors to the City of Thorahl.


The Roaring Hearth is a large, three-story inn constructed around a paved courtyard.  The first story is built with dressed stone while the upper levels are made with timber frame construction.  The building is well made, with all the windows glazed and the floors laid in fine white pine boards.  The central courtyard is paved with large stones and surrounds a large outdoor hearth that is always burning when the weather permits, even in winter.  Whole pigs or goats are often roasted over this fire and many trestle tables are laid around it to provide a place to eat and drink for the many guests of the inn.
The courtyard are the Roaring Hearth Inn in the Foreign Quarter of Thorahl
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