Silas Redfist

Master Silas Redfist

Silas Redfist is a 305-year-old Dwarf of the Clan Redfist that owns and operates the Roaring Hearth Inn in the City of Thorahl.   Silas is a very popular resident of the Outer City District of the City of Thorahl.  His inn is a very busy and profitable operation in the heart of the Foreign Quarter of the District just inside the great Outer Walls.  He is a prominent figure in the District's leadership and counts himself close to both the Lord Redfist and the Lord Commander of the Citadel, Caleb Stronghand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A veteran of the Ten Winter War and a former Company Captain of the Dwarven Legions of Thorahl, Silas has many friends and commrades in the Thorahl Legions.  Silas fought alongside both Caleb Stronghand and Brannic Hornhem during the Orc War of 107 AF, both of whom are now Lord Commanders of in the Legions today.  After nearly 100 years of Legionaire service, he retired to the quiet life of owning and running an inn in the City of Thorahl.

Personality Characteristics


As dedicated and devoted as Silas has shown himself to be to the Clan Blackbeard as rulers of the city he lives in, Silas has utterly dedicated himself to the establishment of a homeland for his own Clan Redfist.  He has dedicated much of his life over the last century and nearly all of his personal fortune to the goal of building an independent city-state of Redfist Dwarves somewhere in the world.


Contacts & Relations

Silas is very close to the Lord Redfist as a major contributor and supporter of the effort to build a Dwarven City for the Clan.  He has gifted more than 10,000 urcs to the cause over the last 100 years.

Family Ties

Silas is (very) distantly related to the Lord Redfist, but it isn't his blood ties that brings him so close to the Clan leader.  It is his gold and his contacts in the Legions of Thorahl that keep him close.

Wealth & Financial state

Silas could be a very wealthy Dwarf with the income he receives from the Roaring Hearth Inn, but he pours almost all he earns from the inn into the homeland effort of his beloved Clan Redfist.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations