Rodin I Argoni

Prince Rodin I Argoni (a.k.a. Solide)

Rodin Argoni was the Prince of Fangort for more than 40 years and the last Prince to lead the armies of Fangort into war in a foreign land.  He did this during the Ten Winter War against the Orc war chief Ughat Toshbuzzutu and his 100,000+ horde that invaded Aria in 107 AF.   Rodin became Prince of Fangort in 105 AF, and had ruled only a short time when word of the invasion reached him while he was visiting the town of Salaan Tor in the Regio Manotos.  The news was carried by a huge wave of refugees, initially numbering more than 5,000 but steadily growing to more than 20,000 by the end of the season.  These refugees were all Arians from the areas around the mouth of the Arial River running north as fast as they were able.  They brough news of an endless flood of Orcs from the Arak Mountains that were reaping death and devestation on the southern Counties of Aria.   Within just a few weeks, it was appearant that the Orc army was not going to be stopped by Arian forces before it reached the bnks of the Arial River, and the border of Fangort.  As problematic as the flood of refugees was to the people of southern and western Fangort, the threat posed by Ughat and his horde was even more frightening to Prince Rodin.  He called his lords and commanders to muster every able-bodied man and boy that could walk or ride and began to prepare to march against the Orcs.   By the summer of 107 AF, as he turned 41-years-old, the Prince led an initial force of 18,000 foot and 7,000 cavalry across the Arial River north of Salmora to aid Aria in its time of need.  There are estimates of as many as 3,000 of those foot soldiers being Arian men eqipped and led by Fangorian nobles.  In the meantime, the Prince's illegitimate brother, Baldarin, remained in Manoht to lead the forces still mustering from the further corners of the Principality.   Rodin won great fame for himself as he led his troops into the war.  He personally fought in more than a dozen battles, was wounded several times, and was much loved and respected by both his own men and his Arian allies.  Late in the fall of 113 AF, Rodin was again at the frontlines of the Battle of the Aman River, where he led his forces in a battle that resulted in the death of more than 8,000 Orcs, including Ughat Toshbuzzutu himself.  This battle proved to be the turning point in the war, and the next five years of fighting would be the slow but inevitable destruction of the last of the Toshbussut hordes in Aria.   Rodin ruled Fangort for more than 40 years, carrying the honor and respect of many nations with him as he ruled.  He died of old age in his palace at the age of 79 years in the year 145 AF.


105 AF - 145 AF
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Known universally as Rodin Solide to all Arians, even to this day, or Rodin the Sturdy
79 at his death
66 AF 145 AF 79 years old