Rowland Blount

Rowland Blount

Rowland Blount is the proprietor of the Canal House. He is a 58-year-old Human that has partnered with Oswyn Lovely as a front for a smuggling and trafficking items and people.  Rowland is paid a staggering fee to allow his brothel to be the front for the criminal organization.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rowland became involved with Oswyn when he hired the thug to kill his former partner so he could be the sole owner of the Canal House.  He then had Oswyn kill his wife.  Since then, he has steadily become more and more dependant on Oswyn to keep his operation and staff going while he spends his money and time on wine, women and poppies.
Year of Birth
175 AF 58 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations