Stoddard am Bimmin

Sir Stoddard am Bimmin (a.k.a. Stoddy)

Stoddard am Bimmin is the youngest son of Talmage am Bimmin, the Lord Chamberlain of the High Kingdom of Imesse.  He is a close cousin of Torum am Nari through his mother's side, and does all he can to keep his cousin interested in his company, mainly by spending outrageous amounts of money on the man.   Stoddard, called "Stoddy" behind his back, is grossly overweight and has very few prospects for advancement in society, other than his family fortune.  That fortune is substantial, and he does stand to inherit a portion of it on his father's death, but as the youngest son, he will not receive much.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Grossly overweight, drinks far too much every night, and when he is truly drunk has a propensity for wetting himself as he sleeps.

Body Features

Huge stomach, greasy jowls, tiny hands and sweats profusely.

Facial Features

Round puffy cheeks, beady eyes and a thin, skimpy beard.

Personality Characteristics


Wildly insecure, so he does all he can to make himself a necessary attachment for men he feels are both better able and better bred than he is, primarily his cousin, Torum am Nari.  He makes himself "necessary" by spending enormous amounts of gold to keep and entertain his "friends" far, far above their means with the money he takes from his father, the Lord Chamberlain.

Vices & Personality flaws

Stoddard is an utter craven.  Knighted by an act of pure bribary to the Duke of Hekmo, "Sir" Stoddard can barely draw his sword, and has never seen combat even on a tourney list.  His extreme weight makes him a poor rider, his hands shake so badly he can't draw a bow, and anything else requires facing an opponent face-to-face, which he simply cannot do.


A profuse sweater, Stoddard is constantly wiping his face and keeps a small bottle of perfume on is person to help mask the sour smell he always carries around him.


Social Aptitude

Stoddard has no social aptitudes.  He is so chronically awkward when faced with engaging with a woman, that even when the woman is paid to treat him like the most desirable man alive, he simply blubbers and cries and hides his face.
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