Torum am Nari (tore-uhn)

Lord Torum am Nari

Torum am Nari is the oldest son of Turl am Nari, Duke of Hekmo. His mother, Duchess Alayna Ohnni, died during his birth due to complications.   Torum is an arogant and unpopular man amongst his peers and nearly hated amongst the common folk of the Duchy. He does not get along with his step-mother (who is two years his junior) or her three sons. He is demanding and rude, entitled and selfish, and has demonstrated himself to be a particuarly poor leader of men. He is often credited with leading the single greatest defeat of the Imessian forces at the Battle of Nyallshold during the Second Northern War of 20 years ago. He is so wildly unpopular, in fact, that his only near constant companion is his cousin, Stoddard am Bimmin, who is so amazingly awkward and lonely that he spends amazing amounts of gold just to be part of Torum's circle.   Torum maintains his personal household from estates gifted to him from his father just outside of the City of Rickmo.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Torun is a large, heavily-muscled man standing nearly 6' tall.  He is healthy, strong and quite able and ready to fight.

Facial Features

Brown silky hair and beard just going to gray (like his father).  Huge beard, hair typically tied back into a que.

Physical quirks

Torun is rather infamous for his habit of interupting people constantly.  This gives anyone who knows him the instant impression that he is rude, condescending and isn't really listening to anything other people are saying.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Torun was spoiled as a child. His father denied him nothing in his first 20 years, seeing his dead wife in the child's face every day. Then, in 211 AF, his father married Sara Waldegrave, the daughter of a poor merchant from Rickmo who was two years younger then Torum was. Suddenly, his father had almost no time for his only son and instead spent every minute he could with his new wife. Sara gave birth to her first child that same year, and followed with two more sons. These boys were more than 20 years his juniors and he has had very little in common with them since thier births.   As the eldest son, he is still the heir to his father's titles and lands, but he is distrustful and resentful towards his brothers, and their mother, Sara.


Torun can barely read, his writing skills are rudimentary at best, and he is useless at mathematics.  He sees himself as an intellectual, however, because he has led men into battle in the past.

Failures & Embarrassments

Torun has the dubious honor of having led the Army of Imesse into the largest defeat they suffered in one day during the initial invasion of Colo.  He outnumbered his enemy by more than 2,000 foot but managed to not only lose the battle but also lose 2,000 troops and 600 war horses and was forced into a rout that lasted from sunset to sunrise.

Intellectual Characteristics

Torun is particularly selfish and self-centered in his conduct and behavior.

Personality Characteristics


Torum is mired in deep debt, and that debt is increasing every year. His incomes from the Briary of Rickmo should be in the tens of thousands of guilders annually, but as more and more people leave, and the taxes are driven higher and higher, Torum is seeing his income fall more and more with each passing month. It is rumored that he owes the Duke of Lorancourt more than 2,000 guilders just in port and bridge fees since the last summer. He is convinced that his father is swimming in gold and simply will not give him any of it, and he has taken to openly speaking about how much he anticipates his father's death so he can finally get his hands on "real money". In the meantime, he brutally abuses the generosity of his cousin, Stoddard am Bimmin and leeches nearly 100 guilders a month off the man just in brothel and tavern bills.

Vices & Personality flaws

One of the many affairs that Torum has engaged in over the years is the one between himself and Aliya Bondari, the wife of Amos Isenbar.  While he is justifiably confident that Amos would do nothing even if he knew about the affair, the disgrace that would fall on the House of Isenbar and the House of Bondari should the affair ever become common knowledge would make life exceptionally difficult for Torum and his father, the Duke.  Wars have been fought for far less, after all.


Contacts & Relations

Torum is currently in debt to an organization called the Lovelies, and specifically to Oswyn Lovely, for more than 10,000 guilders. Because of this, the Lovelies now operate nearly freely in the port of Rickmo where they skim as much as 25% off of almost any cargo they choose. With this almost open criminal connection, crime in the port of Rickmo has risen to heights unrealized.

Religious Views

No actual religious consideration is ever given by Torun.

Social Aptitude

Considered rude, impolite and extremely tedious to sit next to at dinner.


Loud, obnoxious and extremely opinionated.

Wealth & Financial state

To support his household, the Duke has granted Torum the revenues from the Briary of Rickmo in their entirety.  This is a sizable sum of gold every year, but it is also an amount that is decreasing each and every year as more and more people leave the area because of the policies of Torum and the Duke.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Imesse
Circumstances of Birth
Mother died birthing him
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations