Urian Waters

Urian Waters (a.k.a. Ury)

Urian Waters is a former sailor and the present proprietor of the Roaring Sailor Inn near the docks in Low Town.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Healthy, but looks worn and weary.

Body Features

Wiry but very strong, with a grip like cast iron.

Facial Features

Very wrinkled and weathered, with a series of old scars crossing his face from his forehead to his jawline.

Identifying Characteristics

He wears some glaring scars, testimony to the violence of a life at sea.

Physical quirks

Prone to break out in rather bawdy or maudlin shanties whenever he drinks.

Special abilities

Claims he can untie any knot.  Has yet to fail to do so.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Urian spent the 30 years at sea, working great ships and coastal cutters.  At the age of 40, he was the lone survivor of a wreck, and washed up on a barren rocky shore in Colo.  He recovered, and gradually made his way south to his boyhood home of Len Doa.  He received a bag of gold from the owner of his last ship as the sole survivor, and used the money to buy the Roaring Sailor in Low Town.


Ury can't read or write, but he can tie a thousand knots and cooks one of the best sea pies anywhere in the world.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ury's specialty at the Sailor is a great sea pie.  This is a dish made of layers of dough, meat and cabbage, well seasoned and slow baked to a hot, bubbly golden brown masterpiece.  The pie has, over the last 25 years, become legendary in Len Doa as something that simply must be experienced.  At 9p for a whole pie (that can easily feed two hungry sailors), it is also one of the best deals to be had in the entire city.  Ury also crocks his own grog... a mixture of pure rum spirit, water, sugar and fruit juice.  At another 9p a crock (2 pints) it is another bargain, and another reason the Sailor has become such a famous place to eat and drink.


Ury does not like storms, since his shipwreck experience.
Date of Birth
October 23
Len Doa
Current Residence
Low Town, Len Doa
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered and tanned
155 lbs
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Ury speaks Caldarian, Fangorian, Colian and is capable of cursing profusely in Arian.
Ruled Locations