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The "Green Bridge" between the provinces of the Great Desert and Hanaan

Aridia, often referred to as the "Green Bridge," is a captivating transitional region situated to the northwest of the arid Desert of Dhor'kar and the Vaeloran Coast. This diverse and fertile land serves as a link between the harsh desert terrain and the lush heartland of Western Namoria, displaying a remarkable blend of ecosystems and natural wonders. Aridia encompasses a vast expanse of breathtaking landscapes, ranging from the sun-scorched sands of Dhor'kar's fringes to the flourishing sub-tropical forests, bamboo groves, rolling grasslands, and terraced farmlands of the Western Namoria core. This transitional area exhibits a harmonious fusion of contrasting environments, creating a captivating tapestry of biodiversity and awe-inspiring vistas.


  The Green Haven At the heart of Aridia lies an oasis of respite and rejuvenation amidst the arid lands. Blessed with fertile soils and nourished by underground springs and meandering waterways, this green haven serves as a sanctuary for both flora and fauna alike. Lush vegetation thrives here, with vibrant blossoms, towering trees, and sprawling bamboo forests providing a habitat for a myriad of unique and endemic species.

A Melting Pot of Life

The transitional nature of Aridia allows for a fascinating overlap of diverse ecosystems. The aridity of the desert gives way to pockets of life and abundance, where animal species adapted to both the harshness of the sands and the abundance of the verdant lands coexist. It is not uncommon to witness the sight of gazelles grazing near the fringes of the grasslands, or colourful bird species taking refuge in the sheltered canopies of the bamboo groves.

The Engineering Ambition

The concept of redirecting Hanaan's waterways or constructing an aqueduct through Aridia has long captured the imagination of engineers and scholars. The aim is to harness the bountiful water resources of Hanaan and channel them to the parched lands of Dhor'kar, offering the possibility of transforming the arid expanse into arable terrain once more. However, the immense costs, logistical challenges, and the lack of immediate necessity have relegated these proposals to the realm of academic discussions, as the region continues to flourish in its current natural state.

A Bridge of Transition

Aridia shows the delicate balance between contrasting landscapes and the resilience of nature. It serves as a symbolic bridge, both geographically and metaphorically, between the unforgiving deserts of Dhor'kar and the flourishing heartland Western Namoria. The region's lush greenery, tranquil waterways, and diverse ecosystems provide a serene sanctuary for those who traverse this transitional domain, offering a glimpse into the harmonious coexistence of seemingly disparate environments.   Aridia, with its rich tapestry of life and captivating landscapes, invites explorers and nature enthusiasts to witness the interplay between arid desolation and flourishing abundance.

Alternative Names

The Kep'Dhori name for the transitional area is "Kala'shara," which translates to "Bridge of Life" in their language. This name reflects the significance of the region as a connection between the barren desert and the thriving lands beyond. In Hanaan, the transitional area is known as "Kai'runa," meaning "Nature's Embrace." This name represents the region's lush landscapes and vibrant ecosystems, emphasizing the nurturing and harmonious qualities found within.

Hanaan Clans

The Clan of the Burning Sun, known as "Uldor'Shar" in the Hanaan tongue, is one of the prominent clans residing in the region of Aridia, situated in the southern reaches of Western Namoria. Renowned for their resilience and fiery spirit, the Clan of the Burning Sun has a storied history deeply intertwined with the harsh desert environment that surrounds their territory. They are one of the very few clans which do not accept the rule of the Hanaan Clan Council, but begrudgingly accept the rule of the Western Namoria Provincial Administration. They do, however always rise to the task to defend Western Namoria from any wayward Irwadi tribes who stray from Dhor'kar.
Alternative Name(s)
Kala'shara, Kai'runa, the Green Bridge
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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