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Lordship of Ironpeak

The Lordship of Ironpeak is a hereditary title and domain within the Kingdom of the Mountain. It is centred around Ironpeak Stronghold and encompasses the Ironpeak Mountain, its surrounding forests, and rich iron mines. The title has a storied history, being a cadet branch of the ancient Stoneheart Family, which produced the Kings of the Mountain. The Ironpeak region is renowned for its production of iron, which is the lifeblood of the Lordship.



The Lordship of Ironpeak was formally established in 62 BRE when Orin, a son of King Cerdic Stoneheart, was granted governance of the Ironpeak region. Ironpeak grew in significance due to its abundant iron resources and strategic location. For centuries, the Lords of Ironpeak have played a pivotal role in supplying iron for the greater Theron region, contributing to both prosperity and warfare.   In 326 RE, Balinor, the then Lord of Ironpeak, declared himself King of the Mountain, a title that had been dormant since 25 BRE. He renamed his dynasty as Stoneheart to honour the ancient lineage. Though Balinor holds both titles, it is expected that due to partible inheritance, his son Thane will inherit the Lordship of Ironpeak, while the title of King of the Mountain will pass to his eldest son, Ronan.

Notable Locations

  • Ironpeak Stronghold - The seat of power for the Lord of Ironpeak, this fortified castle is built into the mountainside and serves as both a defensive structure and the administrative center.
  • Ironpeak Mountain - The largest mountain in the region, it is rich with iron ore and has several mines. The mountain is considered sacred by the locals.
  • Ironwood Forest - A dense forest at the base of Ironpeak Mountain, it is home to various species of fauna and flora. The forest also provides lumber for construction and firewood.
  • Tharald’s Vein - The largest and most productive iron mine named after Tharald Stoneheart, the first King of the Mountain.
  • Falcon’s Perch - A small village that serves as a hub for miners and their families. It's also known for its falconry.
  • Druid’s Grove - A sacred site within Ironwood Forest where druids conduct rituals and ceremonies. It is believed to be a place of great power.
  • Ironforge - A community of blacksmiths located near the mines, known for crafting weapons and tools.
  • Twin Rivers - Two main rivers originating from Ironpeak Mountain which provide fresh water to the region and are crucial for trade. These are the Cragflow and Ironvein.


The Lord of Ironpeak is the head of the domain and has direct control over the Ironpeak Stronghold and its surrounding lands. He is supported by a council of advisors, which includes representatives from the miners, foresters, druidic priests, and warriors. This council assists in the administration and governance of the region. The Lord is also the head of the Iron Guard, a dedicated force of warriors that protect Ironpeak and its resources. The Iron Guard is responsible for guarding the mines, patrolling the forests, and defending the Stronghold.   The druidic circle holds significant influence within Ironpeak, guiding the spiritual and cultural aspects of the society. They are revered for their wisdom and connection with the natural world.


The culture of the Ironpeak region is deeply rooted in its druidic beliefs and the pride in its heritage as iron workers. The people of Ironpeak view themselves as the guardians of the mountain, tasked with protecting and harnessing its gifts responsibly. Respect for nature is an integral part of their culture, and the druids are often consulted before any major decisions related to the land or its resources. The bond between the mountains and the people is celebrated through various festivals and rituals.   The art of blacksmithing holds a special place in the culture, with ancient techniques passed down through generations. The forging of iron is seen not just as a trade but also as an art form, with the blacksmiths enjoying high status within the community.

Public Agenda

The Lordship of Ironpeak is dedicated to the responsible extraction and trade of iron, maintaining the balance between prosperity and the protection of nature. They aim to sustain and protect the ancient traditions and spiritual beliefs of the region. With the revival of the Kingdom of Eldorath, the Lordship seeks to strengthen its position within the kingdom and protect its interests. Given the strategic importance of Ironpeak, it seeks to establish trade relations and alliances that benefit the region.   However, tensions have arisen regarding the inheritance of the Lordship, with potential claims from Balinor's brother, Elric II. There is a growing concern within the Lordship regarding the potential conflict and its repercussions on the stability and prosperity of Ironpeak.   The current Lord of Ironpeak, Balinor, has expressed a commitment to a peaceful transition and the continued guardianship of the land, its people, and their traditions. The Lordship, under his stewardship, continues to walk a delicate path of maintaining tradition while navigating the political landscape of the revived Kingdom.


The military force of the Lordship of Ironpeak is known as the Iron Guard. The Iron Guard is composed of dedicated warriors who are tasked with the protection of Ironpeak and its resources. The soldiers of the Iron Guard are renowned for their combat skills in mountainous terrain and their mastery of weapons made from Ironpeak’s iron. The Lord of Ironpeak is the supreme commander of the Iron Guard.
  • Mountain Rangers - A specialized unit within the Iron Guard, adept at scouting and patrolling the mountain ranges. They are expert survivalists and trackers.
  • Ironforge Blacksmiths - This unit comprises blacksmiths responsible for crafting and maintaining weapons and armours for the Iron Guard.
  • Druidic Wardens - A division made up of warriors who follow the druidic faith, they serve as protectors of sacred sites and are known for wielding nature-based magic in battle.


The predominant religion in the Lordship of Ironpeak is the Druidic faith. This ancient religion emphasizes the reverence of nature, ancestors, and the spirits of the land. The Druidic Circle, a group of wise druids, play a significant role in the religious and cultural life of Ironpeak. They are keepers of old lore, advisors, healers, and mediators between the spiritual and mortal realms.
  • Sacred Sites - Druid’s Grove and certain peaks of Ironpeak Mountain are considered sacred. These sites are used for rituals, ceremonies, and gatherings.
  • Ancestor Worship - Honouring the ancestors, especially fallen warriors and past Lords, is a significant aspect of the religion.
  • Nature Magic - Druids are believed to wield nature-based magic which is used for healing, blessings, and protection. This magic is deeply rooted in their connection with the natural world.
  • Festivals and Rituals - There are various festivals and rituals through the year that celebrate the seasons, harvests, and historical events. These often involve offerings to the spirits, feasting, and traditional music and dance.
Geopolitical, Lordship
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
  • Ironpeak Stronghold
  • Ironpeak Mountain
  • Ironwood Forest
  • Tharald’s Vein
  • Falcon’s Perch
  • Druid’s Grove
  • Ironforge
  • Cragflow & Iron Vein Rivers
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney
Character flag image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney