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Kingdom of the Mountain

The Kingdom of the Mountain is a feudal state and absolute monarchy situated in the region of Eldorath, renowned for its rich natural resources and deep-rooted druidic traditions. The kingdom’s capital is Aquila, and it is led by Balinor, the King of the Mountain.


  • The Monarch - At the top of the Kingdom's hierarchy is the Monarch, currently King Balinor. As an absolute monarch, the King holds supreme authority over the governance, military, and resources of the Kingdom. The Monarch wears the symbolic Iron Crown, representing authority over the mountains and their treasures.
  • The High Druid - Reporting directly to the Monarch is the High Druid, a spiritual leader who is responsible for maintaining and protecting the ancient druidic traditions. The High Druid leads religious ceremonies and advises the Monarch on spiritual matters.
  • The Iron Council - The Iron Council is a group of nobles, advisors, and prominent figures that advise the King on matters of governance and administration. It includes the Lord Chamberlain, Master of Coin, and Lord Marshal, among others.
  • Lesser Nobility and Landlords - Beneath the Iron Council, lesser nobility and landlords control smaller regions within the Kingdom. They are responsible for maintaining order, collecting taxes, and providing military support to the Kingdom.
  • The Druidic Order - Parallel to the lesser nobility, the Druidic Order consists of druids and herbalists who protect the natural world, perform spiritual rituals, and provide healing services. They also educate citizens on the ancient druidic practices.
  • Commoners and Artisans - At the bottom of the hierarchy are commoners and artisans, who form the workforce. This includes farmers, miners, blacksmiths, and various craftsmen.


  • Harmony with Nature - The Kingdom of the Mountain places a significant emphasis on living in harmony with nature. Many traditions and customs revolve around the changing seasons and the bounties of the natural world. The Druidic Order plays a significant role in preserving this aspect of the culture.
  • Warrior Traditions - As a region rich in iron, the Kingdom has a long history of warrior traditions. Blacksmithing is a revered profession, and there are various rituals and ceremonies related to forging weapons and armor. The Kingdom prides itself on its skilled warriors and military prowess.
  • Reverence for Ancestry - Ancestral lineage holds great importance in the Kingdom. The nobility and common folk alike take pride in their heritage, and stories of ancestors are passed down through generations.
  • Feasts and Festivals - The Kingdom celebrates various feasts and festivals throughout the year, which are often tied to seasonal changes. These gatherings serve as communal bonding experiences and involve various traditions, such as feasting, storytelling, and games.
  • Economic Disparity - The Kingdom's reliance on mining has created an economic disparity between those who control the mines and those who work in them. This tension between the wealthy and the working class is an ongoing cultural issue.
  • Diplomacy and Trade - With its abundance of precious minerals and metals, the Kingdom engages in trade with neighboring regions. However, there is a constant balancing act between maintaining relations for trade and safeguarding the Kingdom's interests and resources.


Founding and Early Years (c. 200 BRE - 100 BRE)

The Kingdom of the Mountain was founded around 200 BRE by Tharald the Mountainshaper. King Tharald was a visionary leader who united the scattered tribes and clans dwelling within the mountain ranges. His unification of the mountain clans led to the establishment of the Kingdom's capital, Aquila, strategically located at the convergence of two rivers flowing from the mountains.   During King Tharald’s reign, the ancient druidic practices remained at the heart of the Kingdom's culture. The High Druids, under Tharald’s patronage, became an integral part of the Kingdom’s organizational structure. The Kingdom thrived due to its abundance of iron and other minerals, and a reputation for forging the finest weapons and armor.  

The Age of Expansion (100 BRE - 25 BRE)

Under Tharald’s successors, the Kingdom underwent a period of territorial expansion and cultural prosperity. Kings and Queens of the Mountain established control over significant territories, including parts of the Great Plains. Trade with neighboring regions flourished, as did the arts and literature. During this period, the Kingdom's warrior culture also gained prominence.  

Integration into the Kingdom of Theron (25 BRE - 325 RE)

In 25 BRE, King Eldran of the Mountain willingly integrated the Kingdom into the newly-formed Kingdom of Theron. This integration led to the disbandment of the title of King of the Mountain. The Kingdom’s druidic practices were gradually overshadowed by the political and economic interests of the greater Kingdom of Theron. During this era, the exploitation of the mountains’ natural resources intensified.  

The Great Schism (c. 150 RE - 200 RE)

The increased mining and resource exploitation led to tensions between the Kingdom's traditional druidic practitioners and the Theronite authorities. The Great Schism was a period of unrest, where druidic followers and the common folk protested against the degradation of their lands. This period solidified the division between those aligned with Theronite interests and those holding to the ancient traditions.  

Rebirth of the Kingdom (325 RE - Present)

In 325 RE, following the collapse of the Kingdom of Theron with the death of King Brennus, Balinor re-established the Kingdom of the Mountain and assumed the title of King. The rebirth was marked by a renewal of traditional practices and an emphasis on independence.   King Balinor worked to re-establish the Kingdom’s identity, restoring the authority of the High Druid and fostering a balance between the Kingdom’s material wealth and spiritual heritage. Nevertheless, the region is now at a crossroads, with rising demand for iron and steel due to increasing tensions in the region, and the Kingdom must navigate its relationships carefully, especially with the powerful Namorian Republic to the west.

Foreign Relations

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Articles under Kingdom of the Mountain

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney
Character flag image: Thomas Whitehouse by By tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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