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Mundalodem Transaltair

The frontier province crossing the Altair Mountains

Mundalodem Transaltair is a frontier region situated in the northern expanses of the Namorian Republic. Known for its rugged and striking terrain, it is scarcely governed by the Transaltair Frontier Authority, a body charged with maintaining a semblance of administrative control in the largely untamed wilderness.   The region itself includes the actual pass through, and all lands north of the Altair mountains.



Despite the challenging terrain and remoteness, the area has attracted a blend of intrepid explorers and settlers from across the Republic. As a result, a unique culture known as Transaltairn has developed. This culture, born of the frontier's isolation and the necessities of survival, reflects a blend of the practices and customs of the region's inhabitants. The population comprises primarily Mundalodin, Namorians, and a smaller number of Acathian and Sarin mountain men, the latter of whom were brought to the region to aid in exploration due to their expertise in navigating mountainous terrain.   Life in Mundalodem Transaltair is shaped by its dramatic geographical features. The towering mountain ranges, wide plateaus, and dense forests provide both challenges and opportunities. The area's residents have developed a deep understanding and respect for their environment, utilizing local resources for survival and maintaining an intimate connection with the land.   The landscape of Mundalodem Transaltair is as yet largely untouched, presenting an open canvas for scientific study and exploration. Its unique geographical features and largely unexplored expanses continue to entice adventurers and scholars, promising uncharted territories and undiscovered natural phenomena. Its formidable geography, the sheer tenacity of its inhabitants, and the unknown potential of the Transaltair region beyond contribute to a sense of raw, untamed wilderness that captivates the imagination.

Notable Locations


  • Altair Pass - The main mountain pass into the Transaltair region, is known at the Altair Pass and serves as a critical access point through the imposing mountain ranges. Despite its ruggedness, it's the most traversed route by explorers and settlers.
  • Dathel's Plateau - Named after the pioneering explorer Dathel, who led one of the first expeditions into the region, this expansive flat area is a well-known rest stop for explorers making their way further into Transaltair.
  • Halcyon Valley - This valley is one of the few fertile areas within the mountainous region, known for its surprisingly mild climate and lush vegetation. A handful of settlements have sprung up here, primarily inhabited by Mundalodin farmers.
  • Morgan's Rise - A lookout point near the top of one of the peaks in the mountain range, it offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the entire region. Named after a mountaineer, Morgan, who was the first to reach this point.
  • Frostfire Springs - A unique geothermal area located in the Kaldhur Forest, named for the contrast of the icy surroundings and the warm springs. It's a treasured spot for weary explorers seeking respite from the harsh cold.
  • Solitude's Stand - A solitary, towering peak that stands separate from the main mountain range, visible from various points in the region. It's become a symbol of the untamed wilderness and isolation of the Transaltair region.
  • Eagle's Roost - One of the highest peaks in the region, this peak gets its name from the large number of eagles nesting in its crags. It's become a symbol of freedom and adventure that epitomizes the Transaltairn spirit.
  • Kaldhur Forest - An enormous boreal forest that stretches for thousands of kilometres in Transaltair, also extends into the mountain passes of Mundalodem Transaltair. Its name means "Cold Woods" in the local dialect. The forest is known for its dense population of spruces and pines and a rich variety of wildlife.


  • Bellakar Crossing - A key settlement located where the southern Altair Pass meets the Dathel's Plataeu. It's home to a mixed population of Namorians, Mundalodin, and Sarin mountain men.
  • Hardstrider's Haven - This remote settlement is situated at the edge of Dathel's Plateau and serves as the last outpost before trekking the remaining passes to the Kaldhur Forest. A gathering point for explorers and frontier folk, it has a rugged charm synonymous with the Transaltairn culture.


Geographically, Mundalodem Transaltair is characterized by a series of mountain passes and valleys lying to the north of Mundalodem and the Acathi Peninsula. These dramatic landscapes serve as gateways to a vast, flat plateau nestled between the towering peaks. This plateau, distinguished by its broad and passable terrain, transitions again into additional mountain passes before giving way to the immense boreal forest known as Kaldhur Forest.   Beyond Kaldhur Forest lies the largely unexplored region called Transaltair, or "beyond the Altair." This expanse is shrouded in mystery due to its limited accessibility, the expansive boreal forest acting as a natural barrier to mass exploration and settlement.

Localized Phenomena

  • Frozen Fire - An event observed in the geothermal area of Frostfire Springs, where steam rising from the warm springs freezes almost instantly during the coldest winter days, creating a surreal spectacle of ice particles hanging in the air, lit by the morning or setting sun, giving the appearance of a pillar of frozen fire.
  • Ghost Lights - Occasionally reported by travelers in the Kaldhur Forest are mysterious orbs of light moving through the dense tree cover. They're often attributed to natural causes like bioluminescent insects or even atmospheric gases, but local lore suggests they are the spirits of lost explorers.
  • Echoing Valleys - Due to the unique topography of the region, some valleys and canyons exhibit a strange acoustic effect, repeating sounds multiple times. The whispers of the wind, the calls of birds, or even human voices can be amplified and echoed, creating a hauntingly beautiful soundscape.
  • Stone Forest - A geological formation found in certain parts of the region, the Stone Forest consists of towering rock pillars formed by centuries of wind and water erosion, giving the impression of a forest made of stone.
  • Aurora Transaltairis - The Transaltair region, due to its high latitude, is an excellent spot for viewing the aurora borealis, or northern lights. However, locals have noted unique patterns and colors in the auroras viewed from here, hence giving it a local name, Aurora Transaltairis.
  • White Rain - During certain months, a phenomenon known as "white rain" can occur. It is actually a dense flurry of cotton-like seeds from a local tree species, which when released en masse, gives the appearance of a peculiar, slow-motion, white rainfall.
  • Tide of Shadows - As the sun sets behind the mountain peaks, their large shadows stretch across the plateau and valleys, rapidly transforming the bright daylight into an eerie twilight. This spectacle, known locally as the "Tide of Shadows", creates an otherworldly atmosphere for a few minutes each day.
  • The Thawing Roar - In the spring, when the winter snow starts to melt, the usually trickling streams turn into powerful torrents. The collective sound of these gushing waters resonating in the mountainous landscape is referred to as the "Thawing Roar".

Fauna & Flora

The rugged and largely unexplored region of Mundalodem Transaltair, with its varying terrain and climate, hosts a variety of flora and fauna, many of which are not well-documented due to the region's remoteness and relative inaccessibility.


In the valleys and lower mountain slopes, coniferous forests dominated by species akin to spruces, firs, and pines are common. Higher up, the landscape changes to alpine meadows, home to hardy shrubs and a diversity of wildflowers during the short summer months.   The Kaldhur Forest is primarily a boreal forest, dominated by species such as larch, spruce, and birch. There are also reported sightings of the ethereal Glowbark Tree, a tree rumored to have bioluminescent properties, giving off a soft, ghostly glow in the dark forest nights.   In the rocky areas, lichens and mosses thrive, while certain valleys blessed with mineral-rich thermal springs are home to unique, heat-loving flora.  


Wildlife in Transaltair is just as diverse. Herds of Tundrastag roam the plateau, and mountain goats navigate the higher, rocky terrain with ease. Smaller mammals like snow hares, voles, and squirrels are common in forested areas, while the elusive Frost Lynx, known for its striking white coat and icy-blue eyes, is a much rarer sight.   Birds of prey such as the Altairian Hawk soar over the valleys and forests, while the Skyhorned Owl is a nocturnal predator known for its distinctive call. A variety of songbirds and migratory birds are observed during the warmer months.   Fish species adapted to cold, fast-flowing waters are found in Transaltair's rivers and streams. Occasionally, there are sightings of the legendary Ice Serpent, a mythical creature said to inhabit the deepest, coldest mountain lakes.   As for the unexplored regions of Transaltair, many myths persist. There are tales of giant creatures known as Mountain Eaters, shadowy beasts that roam the highest peaks. Some stories speak of Forest Walkers, mythical entities that protect the Kaldhur Forest. In the deepest, darkest mountain passes and caves, it is rumoured that something far worse exists - the Amalgum.

Natural Resources

  • Timber - With vast tracts of boreal forest, Mundalodem Transaltair is abundant in timber resources. The dense Kaldhur Forest is particularly rich in evergreen species like spruce, pine, and fir, which are used for construction and fuel.
  • Fur and Game - The rich wildlife in the region provides a source of fur and game. Animals such as deer, moose, and rabbits are commonly hunted for their meat and hides. The thickly-furred snow hares and weasels are particularly prized by fur traders.
  • Minerals and Metals - The rugged mountain ranges and valleys hold significant deposits of various minerals and metals. While exploration and mining are still in nascent stages, initial surveys suggest the presence of iron, copper, and possibly even precious metals like gold and silver.
  • Geothermal Springs - The geothermal activity in areas such as Frostfire Springs are a local curiosity where animals and humans alike can enjoy warm baths in the otherwise cold and hostile environment.
  • Fish and Freshwater - The various rivers and lakes teeming with fish provide an essential source of food and fresh water. Trout and salmon are among the common catches for the region's anglers.
  • Herbs and Medicinal Plants - The biodiversity in the region's valleys and plateaus has led to the growth of a variety of herbs and medicinal plants. Many of these plants are utilized by the local inhabitants for their healing and nutritional properties.
  • Stone - The mountainous region offers an abundance of stone resources, including granite and quartz, useful for construction and crafting. The characteristic toughness of these materials makes them ideal for building in the harsh Transaltair environment.
  • Wild Berries and Edible Plants - In the relatively milder climates of the valleys and during the short summer season, a variety of wild berries and edible plants thrive. These offer a valuable source of nutrition for both humans and wildlife.


Mundalodem Transaltair, despite its seemingly inhospitable terrain, bears evidence of human activity dating back millennia. The discovery of primitive stone tools and simple cave dwellings hint at the presence of nomadic tribes who may have used the area as a seasonal hunting ground. However, due to the harsh conditions and relative isolation, the region remained largely unexplored and uninhabited until the late 3rd century RE.   The course of Transaltair's history shifted dramatically in 292 RE when an intrepid explorer named Dathel "Hardstrider" embarked on an ambitious journey to map the uncharted northern expanse of the Namorian Republic. Hardstrider and his team endured the harsh, mountainous terrain, surviving harsh winters and treacherous passes until they discovered a series of navigable valleys and flat plateaus, which they called "the gates to the north."   This discovery paved the way for more substantial exploration and settlement of the area. Hardstrider's reports of the region's untapped natural resources attracted a rush of settlers, traders, and prospectors hoping to carve out a piece of this new frontier for themselves.   In 302 RE, a settlement was established near the plateau that Dathel's team first discovered, initially named Hardstrider's Haven in honour of the explorer. Over the years, this settlement has grown into a bustling frontier town, serving as the last outpost before the impenetrable expanse of Kaldhur Forest.   The year 315 RE marked another significant event in Mundalodem Transaltair's history, the establishment of the Mundalodem Transaltair Frontier Authority. The Authority was created by the Namorian Republic to manage the rapidly growing population and coordinate efforts to harness the region's resources effectively.   The Authority governance, however, is often challenged by the independent spirit of the Transaltairn people. The region's harsh environment has forged a culture of resilience and self-reliance, resulting in a sometimes tense relationship with the authority figures from the distant capital.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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