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Selvarian Plains

The ancestral lands of the Selvarians

The Selvarian Plains, nestled to the east of the Lanath Plains and separated by the meandering Vildrun River, showcase a sprawling expanse of natural beauty and cultural significance in the Eastern Province. Stretching as far as the eye can see, these vast grasslands evoke a sense of freedom and tranquility, echoing the nomadic spirit of the Selvarian people who once called this region their ancestral home.   The plains are adorned with undulating hills and gentle slopes, scattered with clusters of ancient oak and birch trees that provide shade and shelter to the roaming herds of deer and bison. The rich and fertile soil nurtures an array of vibrant wildflowers that carpet the landscape in a riot of colors during the spring and summer months, creating a breathtaking vista that captivates all who behold it.   Within this vast expanse, the Selvarian people thrived for countless generations, forging a deep connection with the land and its bountiful offerings. They navigated the rolling plains with expertise, their horse-drawn caravans traversing the grassy meadows as they followed the natural rhythms of the seasons. The plains became their home, their sanctuary, and their source of sustenance.   Life on the Selvarian Plains was interwoven with the ebb and flow of the Vildrun River. This majestic waterway served as a lifeline, providing sustenance and a means of transportation for both people and goods. The river's crystal-clear waters meandered through the plains, bringing vitality to the surrounding flora and fauna and acting as a gathering place for communal celebrations and rituals.   The Selvarian Plains and the Vildrun River were not only a backdrop to the daily lives of the Selvarian people but also a wellspring of inspiration. The vastness of the plains, the harmony of the flowing river, and the serenity of the landscape stirred the creativity of the Selvarians, leading to the development of their rich storytelling traditions, captivating songs, and distinctive craftsmanship.   While the Selvarians have since scattered across the lands, their cultural legacy remains deeply rooted in the very essence of the Selvarian Plains. The whispers of their ancient tales and the echoes of their nomadic spirit can still be felt, carried on the wind that dances across the grassy expanse.
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The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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