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Seterland, the central and coastal heartland of the Kingdom of Set, is the cultural and historical epicentre of the Setar people. This region is bounded by the verdant province of Rissoria to the west and the vibrant Quallian Coast to the south. The river Selindos delineates its northern border with Theron. To the east is Arshadom, while to the south and south east are the Zarafid Sands and Zarafar's Cradle regions. Setarland region is divided into several administrative areas, each governed by a lord who owes fealty to the King of Set.


Seterland is known for its rolling hills, pastures, and occasional fertile rivers and reservoirs. It is a land of stark contrast, from the bustling, urban cities like Galt and Cademor to the serene rural areas with limited agricultural output. The Raksan River, integral to the area's irrigation and trade, flows through the region and forms a natural transportation network connecting its various provinces.

Notable Locations

  • Galt - The bustling capital city of Set and the seat of the monarchy. Located on the banks of the Raksan, it is a center of trade, governance, and culture.
  • Cademor - Once the devastated city of Arissen, it is now a thriving trade hub at the mouth of the Raksan River, under the shared administration of Set and Namoria.
  • Rissoria - This coastal province, known for its beautiful sandy beaches, is under the control of the "Protector of the West". It's a popular destination for those seeking respite from city life. It includes settles such as Altrissen and Trewen.
  • Harsan - Governed by Lord Tarik, this area is known for its thriving markets and bustling caravanserai.
  • Torhal - Celebrated for its lush vineyards and fine wines, it is governed by Lord Caspin.
  • Nassor - The dominion of Lord Kazim, Nassor is a smaller province centered around the city of the same name. Its economy relies heavily on copper mining. However, the mines, a source of wealth, have also been a curse, leading to frequent disputes with neighboring provinces over rights and boundaries.
  • Eshkan - Known for its one of the rare dense forests in Set, Eshkan is ruled by Lord Hakon, a man notorious for his volatile temperament. Eshkan's timber is prized across the kingdom. However, its people often bear the brunt of Hakon's harsh rule and tax demands.
  • Zagar - A single settlement realm under the control of minor Lord Tural, Zagar is mainly known for its olive groves. Though not as prosperous as other regions, it has a serene charm.
  • Kir - A barren highland territory in the north east, on the border with Arshadom and Theron. Under the rule of Lord Batur, Kir has struggled under consecutive years of poor harvests and frequent skirmishes with bandits. However, Batur's stronghold is seen as an essential defence line against potential incursions from Theron.
  • Yildar - Yildar is a coastal town at the southern most reaches of Set on the Quallian Coast, under the jurisdiction of Lord Arik. Known for its struggling fisheries, Yildar's people have a reputation for resilience in the face of hardship. Despite its limited resources, Yildar serves as an important strategic point against naval attacks.

Localized Phenomena

  • Annual Inundation - The most significant phenomenon is the annual inundation caused by the glacial meltwater from the Thrymbarth mountains. As the water courses through the Raksan river, it floods the arid plains of Seterland, transforming them into fertile farmlands. This event is a lifeline for the agriculture-based economy of the region. So integral is this inundation to the culture of Seterland that it's celebrated through rituals and festivals. A particular festival, known as the "Bounty of Raksan," is held to honour the river and pray for a good harvest.
  • Dust Whirls - Another common occurrence in Seterland is the phenomenon of "Dust Whirls." In the dry season, whirlwinds whip up loose dust and sand from the plains, creating massive dust columns that can sometimes be disruptive but are also an impressive sight. While they can cause minor damage to settlements, Dust Whirls have come to be seen as symbols of the harsh yet majestic nature of the region.
  • Selindos Fog - Specific to the northern borders of Seterland, particularly near the river Selindos, is the occurrence of a dense fog. This fog, locally referred to as "Selindos' Veil," is a natural phenomenon caused by the contrasting temperatures of the cool river waters and the hot plains. It often acts as a natural deterrent to potential invasions from Theron, adding to the mystical allure of the region.
  • Luminous Night Skies - Seterland is also known for its exceptionally clear and bright night skies. This phenomenon allows for the observation of celestial bodies with the naked eye, promoting a rich astronomical culture among the Setar people. A particular event, known as "The Dance of Shams," refers to the spectacular meteor showers that occasionally grace the Setar sky. These events are celebrated with night-long festivities and are seen as good omens for the coming year.

Fauna & Flora


  • Raksan Reed - Predominantly found along the banks of the Raksan river, the Raksan reed is a tall, resilient plant that thrives during the annual inundation. These reeds are often harvested and used in basket weaving, thatching roofs, and making simple furniture.
  • Delana Tree - A staple tree in Setarland, the Delana is a broad-leaf, deciduous tree that is especially known for its vibrant, colorful autumn foliage. Its wood is sturdy and commonly used in construction and tool-making.
  • Keshar Bush - The Keshar is a drought-tolerant shrub that blossoms with small, aromatic flowers. Keshar flowers are harvested for their sweet scent, used in local perfumes and as a flavoring agent in Setar cuisine.
  • Fara Grain - Fara is a grain crop unique to Setarland that is highly resistant to both drought and flood conditions. Its resilience makes it an essential crop, providing a steady food source even in years of unfavorable weather conditions.


  • Talan Hare - The Talan hare is a small mammal common in the plains of Setarland. They are notable for their long ears and swift agility. Considered a symbol of fertility and abundance in Setar culture, they are often featured in local folklore and legends.
  • Raksan Otter - Found along the Raksan river, the Raksan Otter are playful creatures are known for their sleek fur and agile swimming. They feed primarily on fish and small crustaceans in the river.
  • Mela Deer - The Mela deer is a species native to Setarland. These deer are smaller than their counterparts found in the forests, adapted to survive in the open plains. They are a primary game animal for the Setar people.
  • Shams Hawk - Named after the Dance of Shams, these hawks are a common sight in the clear skies of Setarland. They are revered as symbols of strength and freedom in Setar culture.

Natural Resources

The economy of Seterland is primarily agricultural, supported by the regular inundation of the Raksan River. This natural event provides vital irrigation for the cultivation of various crops such as wheat, barley, lentils, and figs. The region is also known for its vineyards, particularly in Torhal, which produce some of the finest wines in the kingdom.
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The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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