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Kingdom of Set

The Kingdom of Set is a sovereign nation located on the continent of Orynthia. It is an absolute monarchy ruled by the King of Set, who claims the lands of Setarland, the Quallar Coast, Arshadom, Zafara's Cradle, and Jabal's Roost.   To the north lie the Theronite areas of West Theron, the Great Plains and Eldorath. The endless mountains of Thrymbarth rise in the east, and in the south sparsely populated arid regions separate Set from various warlords and fractured kingdoms. The western coast faces the Great Ocean, which stretches toward isolated archipelagos and eventually the Namorian Continent.   Galt, the capital city, is located along the Raksan river in Setarland. Other significant cities include Altrissen, Cademor and Keramet.


The Kingdom of Set operates is absolute monarchy, currently ruled by King Mallor II. However, the monarch's power has gradually diminished, with a significant shift in influence towards the Lord Advisers. This power transition has been accompanied by rising nationalism and calls for more representation among the subjects.   Below the monarchy and the Lord Advisers, the kingdom's structure comprises regional governors, local lords, and magistrates. Each responsible for maintaining peace, justice, and administration in their respective territories.    The military, divided into the Royal Guard, standing army, and navy, enforces the kingdom's security.   Religious leaders from various faiths have significant societal influence, but have no official power in the central government except as advisors or perhaps having the ear of a Lord Advisor.


Set's culture is a blend of ancient traditions, deeply-rooted faith, and the influences brought by trade and interaction with other realms. A sense of deep respect for the land and ancestors dominates the subjects' worldview. This respect manifests in the form of various festivals, rituals, and observances related to the seasons and astronomical cycles. Astrology and the study of the heavens hold a vital place in Set's cultural fabric.   Set cuisine, influenced by its agricultural and coastal surroundings, is known for its simplicity and the rich flavors of native ingredients. The fashion of Set has begun to bear the stamp of Namorian influence, especially among the younger generation and the urban populace.

Public Agenda

The Kingdom of Set seeks to maintain its sovereignty and cultural identity amid the rising Namorian influence and internal social shifts. The current public agenda focuses on maintaining peace within the borders, improving trade relations, and bolstering the economy. In response to the growing calls for representation, King Mallor II has hinted at political reforms to incorporate the public's voice in governance.


Set's assets lie in its rich deposits of precious metals and gems in the Thrymbarth mountains, especially gold and silver. These resources have boosted Set's economy, attracting waves of miners and merchants, contributing to the kingdom's wealth.   The Kingdom of Set boasts a formidable military, equipped with the weapons crafted by Set's skilled blacksmiths. The navy, though smaller in size, is efficient and manned by hardy seafarers, many of whom are reformed pirates. The royal castles, fortifications, and city walls represent significant assets, offering protection and strategic advantages.   In addition, the kingdom holds extensive agricultural lands nourished by the rivers from the Thrymbarth mountains, contributing to its sustenance and providing a critical source of income. The kingdom also maintains a number of trading ships and a fleet of merchant caravans facilitating its thriving trade.


Ancient History of the Kingdom of Set

The origins of the Kingdom of Set lay scattered in the echoes of its ancestral tribes, set against the backdrop of the Setarland and Thrymbarth foothills. These lands, once filled with diverse tribes and city-states, were a kaleidoscope of cultures, customs, and beliefs.   Around 1500 BRE, the region experienced a devastating period locally known as "The Dimming." The Sun's light weakened and the climate turned bitterly cold for an entire decade. This ecological disaster led to a scarcity of resources and a massive upheaval among the tribes. The social structure crumbled under the stress of survival, leading to a period of widespread chaos and conflict. Tribes turned against tribes, cities against cities, as the fight for resources spiralled into wars for dominance and spiritual conquest.   During this tumultuous era, the theft of religious icons and idols became a common practice. Tribes believed that capturing an enemy's deities would weaken their opponents and imbue the victor with divine favour. This practice led to an era known as the "War of Icons," characterized by relentless raids and shifting alliances. The rivalries among tribes like the Asri, Hittara, Luvians, and many others escalated into cycles of conquest and retribution. The battle lines continually redrawn as cities fell and were reborn from the ashes.  

The First Kingdom of Set (500-350BRE)

In the aftermath of the "War of Icons," the city of Galt emerged as a rising power under the rule of its ambitious leader, Sarus. Sarus was known for his tactical brilliance and charisma, which helped him unite several tribes under his banner. However, his rule was marked by continued warfare as he sought to expand his influence. In this period, various subsequent leaders consolidated the various settlements under their rule, giving birth to the First Kingdom of Set. This era witnessed advancements in architecture, farming, and the establishment of trade routes, marking Set's growth into a significant power  

Period of Turmoil (350-120 BRE)

With the death of King Nekhen, the last ruler of the unified Set, the kingdom fell into a period of strife as various factions vied for control. This era was characterized by frequent power shifts, with the throne changing hands numerous times.   The turning point came with the ascension of Dagon in around 120 BRE. Dagon envisioned a united kingdom where differences in tribal heritage were respected but not allowed to foster division. To accomplish this, he implemented a series of reforms to centralize power and established Galt as the capital. He replaced the system of tribal warfare with a structured army, bringing an end to the petty tribal conflicts  

The Second Kingdom of Set (120 BRE)

However, complete unification remained elusive, and the region was still marred by pockets of resistance. It was only under the reign of King Enlil in 80 BRE that the dream of a united kingdom was finally realized. Through a combination of strategic marriages, diplomatic alliances, and decisive battles, King Enlil managed to quell the remaining unrest and unify the region, thus marking the birth of the Kingdom of Set.   The formation of the Kingdom brought about an era of relative peace and stability. The various tribes slowly began to see themselves as Setar, their disparate identities merging into a shared culture. The "War of Icons" became a distant memory, its stories kept alive in the folklore and legends of the Setar people. This period laid the groundwork for the prosperous Kingdom of Set we know today, a testament to its turbulent past and its perseverance.  

80 BRE - 100 RE: Early Kingdom Era

Upon the formation of the Kingdom of Set under King Enlil in 80 BRE, the stage was set for a period of consolidation and expansion. The kingdom made several attempts to establish diplomatic relations with the Theron people in the north. However, cultural differences and territorial disputes led to frequent skirmishes along the shared borders of the Great Plains and Eldorath.  

101 - 150 BRE: The Theron Wars

Increasing tensions finally erupted into full-scale wars, known as the Theron Wars. The Theron people, known for their formidable warriors, posed a significant threat to the young kingdom. However, Set's tactical advantages, bolstered by the defensible terrain of the Thrymbarth foothills and the strong leadership of King Enlil's successors, eventually led to Set's victory.  

151 - 200 BRE: The Arshad Subjugation

With the northern borders relatively secure, the Kingdom of Set turned its attention to the rich resources of Arshadom. The Arshad people offered little resistance. The Arshad were subjugated, their lands annexed, and their resources exploited. Despite this, the Arshad were granted some autonomy under Set's rule, maintaining their cultural practices and contributing to the diversity of the Kingdom.  

201 - 250 RE: Quallian and Zafara Conquests

The next two centuries saw the Kingdom's expansion southward to the Quallian Coast and south eastward to the arid Zafara's Cradle. The coastal region was integrated through a combination of diplomatic negotiations and military pressure. The Zafir people, living in the inhospitable region of Zafara's Cradle, were mostly left undisturbed due to their sparse population and the harshness of their environment. However, the Kingdom of Set maintained a strategic interest in the region due to its unique resources, especially the rare ores found in the area.  

251 - 300 RE: The Corsair Conflicts

The period between 251 - 300 RE was marked by strained relations with the Namorian Republic due to piracy along the coast. The Namorians, a previously distant realm was considered a curiousity, but traders, explorers and displomats were establishing themselves in the region. Conflicts with the Corsairs of the Verdant Coast and Namoria included several naval skirmishes. Tensions escalated to the point of threats of direct intervention from the Namorian Republic.  

301 - 320 RE: The Treaty of Cademor

Following King Janic's suspicious death and the ascension of his son, Mallor II, the Kingdom made attempts to improve its relations with Namoria. Mallor II pursued a policy of appeasement, culminating in a treaty that established Cademor, a Namorian free-trade area within the Kingdom of Set. This marked a significant shift in Set's foreign policy and increased Namorian influence within the kingdom.  

321 - 345 RE (Present): Transition and Change

The current era is one of social and political transition. The Namorian influence continues to grow, eroding the monarchy's power and leading to a rise in nationalism among Set's populace. While the old guard clings to traditional ways, the younger generation looks towards a future of representative rule. Tensions are rising as the kingdom stands at a crossroads, poised between its proud past and an uncertain future.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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