Outlands Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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The Outlands seem to stretch endlessly, a desolate and barren expanse within Stygia. The landscape is a twisted amalgamation of jagged ice formations, frozen chasms, and eerily swirling mists. The air crackles with chaotic magic, creating an unpredictable and unsettling atmosphere. Distorted echoes of other realms reverberate through the icy winds, and the very ground seems to shift with an unnatural energy.   The ground itself seems to shift, creating treacherous terrain as frozen chasms open and close at a moments notice. Travelers face the constant threat of stumbling upon a random portal, whisking them away to unknown planes. The air crackles with chaotic magic, drawing forth terrifying monsters and fiends displaced from their native realms. Sudden blizzards and hailstorms descend without warning, disorienting those brave or foolish enough to venture into this chaotic crucible. Illusory landscapes deceive the eye, leading wanderers astray, while anomalous time flow adds a surreal layer of danger, aging some and trapping others in temporal loops. Amidst the frozen chaos, demonic entities and Stygian forces engage in unpredictable skirmishes, making every step a gamble between survival and succumbing to the wild whims of the Outlands.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Outlands is unclear and surrounded in mystery, it is a realm where chaos reigns supreme. It serves as a foundation for the unpredictable forces of Stygia, a place where the fabric of reality is stretched thin. The chaotic magic that emanates from within draws entities from other planes, creating a melting pot of bizarre landscapes and terrifying monsters. Some believe that the Outlands act as a natural barrier, a chaotic buffer that shields the deeper realms of Stygia from external threats.


Forged in the aftermath of ancient fiendish conflicts, the Outlands bear the scars of battles fought between cosmic powers. It is said that when the boundaries between planes weakened, Stygia absorbed the chaotic energies, giving birth to the Outlands. Over the eons, the unpredictable nature of the wasteland has made it a place both feared and revered by the denizens of Hell.   Portals to other realms open at random, allowing creatures from distant planes to traverse the Outlands. Some scholars speculate that the chaotic magic within the wasteland is a remnant of ancient conflicts, a lingering echo of battles that unfolded on the fringes of the multiverse.
Parent Location

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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