The Frosted Flagon Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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The Frosted Flagon

In the heart of Tantlin, the capital of the 5th level of hell known as Stygia, stands The Frosted Flagon, an unassuming yet cherished establishment ruled by the jovial and imposing devil, Oram. With his devilish charm, welcomes patrons into a world where the focus is not on opulent decor but on the art of brewing. His infectious laughter echoes through the frost-kissed air as he tends to patrons, ensuring that each drink poured carries the essence of Stygia's unique flavors. The Frosted Flagon itself, though humble in appearance, exudes a unique charm. Icy motifs adorn its simple structure, creating an ambiance that mirrors the chill of Stygia. The air is thick with camaraderie as devils, and mortals alike gather within the modest confines, drawn not by the grandiosity of the establishment but by the promise of Oram's legendary libations.   The interior, warmed by the camaraderie of its patrons, boasts a singular focus on the craft of brewing. The bar, though unassuming, is a stage where Oram orchestrates the creation of the famed Frothy and other concoctions. The air is thick with the aromas of rare ingredients, and the clinking of enchanted mugs punctuates the symphony of laughter and tales shared within.

Purpose / Function

Located on just on the boundary line of the District of Secrets and the District of Souls, it has a prime location within Tantlin. From general lodging in the upstairs, a safe location for discussing plans away from prying ears, a meeting place for business deals, or even just to have a drink with friends, the Frosted Flagon serves many purposes.
by AI generated using NightCafe
Parent Location
by AI generated using NightCafe

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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