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The Magocracy of Valorast

The Magocracy of Valorast was a small but powerful nation ruled by mages that once occupied several levels of the Dungeonscape.


The Magocracy was governed by a Magocratic Council of seven High Mages and one Archmagister, each of which oversaw a number of Magisters.


Valorast was overwhelmingly Human and Netherese. Other races and cultures were allowed, but seen as inferior.

Public Agenda

The advancement of magical research


The Magocracy came to a sudden and violent end with the culmination of the Siege of Wizardhome at the end of the Last Valoran War, when the corruption of its Mythallar caused the rapid dungeonization of its capital.

Demography and Population

The Magocracy was never a very populous nation, with an estimated total of 500,000 at its peak. Its citizens were primarily humans of Netherese descent.


The Valoran military was small and highly diverse, with each High Mage forming and commanding their own forces. The bulk of foot soldiers were composed of raised undead and summoned elementals or minor fiends, with the occasional automata and, in rare cases, conscripted soldiers outfitted with magic weaponry.

Technological Level

Valorast was significantly more advanced than its neighbours, owing to the effects of its Mythallar and the pressures of constant magical innovation.

Foreign Relations

Despite the friendship between their founders, relations between Valorast and its sister nations of Maressea and Tiriande soured within scant centuries of their founding. They never recovered, and the three endured a series of wars interspersed with uneasy truces until Valorast's collapse.

-402 DR - -86 DR

Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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