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Tiriande, the Encroached Realm

Tiriande, also known as the Kingdom of Tiriande or the Encroached Realm, is a nation and, at present, city-state occupying the central layers of the realm known as the Dungeonscape.

Demography and Population

Human (Cormyr, Netherese, Calishite, Rashemi, Mulan, Other), Half-Elf, Elven (Moon, Star, Eladrin, Star, Aquatic, Avariel), Halfling (Lightfoot, Strongheart), Dwarven (Mountain, Duergar, Other), Gnomish (Deep, Rock), Goblin, Orc, Merfolk, Aarakocra, Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, Tabaxi, Fey


At present, the kingdom's territory is limited to that of Sar-Vistu, its sole surviving city. Even that is greatly diminished, with only four levels remaining: The Foundation, Slopeside, Boneyard and Tranquil Depths.   The vast majority of the nation's past territory has been lost to the dungeon during the Vent and subsequent minor disasters. Among the territory lost is Little Semberholme, the once-capital of Maressea and the kingdom's second largest city.


The once proud military of Tiriande has been decimated by the Vent, and has never recovered. At present, only a handful of companies survive. These are stationed in the Spireside District, intended to defend the city's core.   Once, the city boasted mighty armies. Flying legions of Avariel and Aarakocra, contingents of knights on horseback, legions of spearmen and elven archers, powerful mages protected by heavily armored phalanxes, marine squads of mermen and aquatic elves and more were all at the kingdom's beck and call.

Technological Level

Though not as advanced as the destroyed Magocracy of Valorast, Tiriande's Royal University is a center of magical and mundane learning to rival most Prime civilizations.


As a diverse metropolis of many races and storied history, the city contains temples to nearly every deity worshipped in Faerûn. It is tolerant and open-minded, though the open worship of evil deities is still frowned upon (with two major exceptions). The city is home to the largest temple to Ethrenna in the multiverse, for obvious reasons, as well as the biggest cathedral to Zoren. Other popular deities include Chauntea, Selûne, Amaunator, Lathander, Asmodeus and Eilistraee. Though not particularly popular, the city is also notable for its open acceptance of the worship of Gruumsh.

Foreign Relations

Throughout Tiriande's history, it has enjoyed mostly amicable, if sporadic, relationships with a great deal of nations in the Prime Material Plane. Most of that contact was superficial, diplomatic relationships being hard to maintain when one has no reliable access to the planes.    During Tiriande's Golden Age, the material wealth and magical prowess of the city enabled the foundation of closer relationships, and strong diplomatic ties were struck between it and the nation of Cormyr, which the Tiriandan army assisted in several wars.   At present, the Exotists' Union devotes a great deal of resources and manpower to the upkeep of whatever trade routes it can. Though these remain, for the moment, open, the decrease in trade and contact has led to the nation gaining a reputation as an unreliable partner in trade and politics.

Agriculture & Industry

Present-day Tiriande produces barely enough food to sustain itself, with the loss of most of its farmland in the Vent. What remains is exhaustively farmed and requires regular blessings from Chauntean clerics and magical intervention to keep from going barren, though the addition of significant underwater agriculture in the Tranquil Depths in recent decades has done a lot to ease the burden.    Its industrial capabilities are in better condition. The city produces steel, weaponry, tools and building materials in great supply, owing to the mineral-rich Slopeside and Stalagmite districts and the combined craftsmanship of its dwarven and elven cultural heritage.   The country also owes much to its adventuring industry, which produces a constant influx of magical artefacts and valuable monster parts.

Trade & Transport

Tiriande is reliant on the unpredictable and dangerous World Crevasse for all its trade with the outside world. The merchantlords of the Exotists' Union send caravans through the Crevasse, which exits out into different areas of Faerûn almost at random, making trade risky and unreliable at best. It is a credit to the ingenuity of its merchants and the strength of the adventurer guards that trade happens at all - and to the quality of Tiriandan goods, which are highly sought after on the Material Plane.


Lower education is commonly available, with small decentralized schools run by the temple of Deneir in most districts. It is, however, not mandatory and, while cheap, still costs some money, meaning many lower class children forego an education in favour of helping with the family business or staying at home.   Higher education comes in the form of either trade schools, mostly through apprenticeships, or university education at the Royal University, which has various subservient colleges with varying degrees of pickiness when it comes to their student base.


Due to the differences between the environments, many dstricts have different solutions to infrastructural problems. On the Foundation level, canals spread the fresh water of the Tranquil Depths and its supplying rivers through the city, with a network of sewers handling the runoff. The Slopeside level relies on a system of ancient wells, the bottom of which has been lost to dungeonization, and the Boneyard Level has aqueducts running water above the streets.
Founding Date
-468 DR
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Encroached Realm, (Formerly) The Jewel Within Adversity
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Royal Mint mints gold, electrum, silver and copper coins that are broadly consistent with their counterparts on Toril.
Executive Body
Split between the City Reeves, responsible for the protection of property and enforcement of property law, and the Hatcheteers, responsible for the protection of the citizenry and the pursuit of violent crime. In theory, this split prevents corruption and conflict of interest.
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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