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Fire Island

Fire Island sits on the sea like a green cushion, with a jagged mountain protruding from it. Smoke gently curls from its top; a volcano's fuming anger waiting to explode. The Island is home to a great marsh and treacherous jungles.   Fire Island used to be a prison colony. Thieves, murderers, and rapists deemed to dangerous to be kept alive on the main continent were sent to Fire Island in exile, a punishment for their crimes. The system was later abolished as the prisoners are better put in chains in the North, working the mines. As such, the prison colony project was abandoned. With free reign, the prisoners became kings of their own island; hunting, experimenting, prospecting, and some tried to escape the island.  

Politics & Factions

It is likely the experiments went wrong, and the harmful substances found their way into water drains, with terrible consequences. The local flora and fauna were affected. Man eating plants developed, and terrible giant beasts evolved. The worse found its way into the creation of sentient reptillian humanoids, known as the lizardmen.   The lizardmen are tribal and fiercely territorial, they kill when it is expedient and do whatever it takes to survive. Though they aren’t skilled artisans, the lizardmen are able to craft ornaments, shelters, and even boats.Their hut villages thrive in forbidding grottoes, half-sunken ruins, and watery caverns. Despite this, the lizardmen rarely stray beyond their claimed hunting ground.   One day, a lizardmen claimed himself as King, and displayed superior prowess and intellectual cunning. The other lizardmen feared him, for the King had practiced voodoo and black magic. The Lizard King ironically imprisoned the previous prisoners, forcing them to dig mines in hopes of finding gold. The Lizard King had his eyes beyond the border of the island, and sought to expand the lizardmen empire. The Lizard King knew that this requred his armies to be well equipped, and weapons cost gold. This began the abduction of sailors, to be used as new slaves whenever old ones die from exhaustion. Trade deals were also formed with smugglers who provided the lizardmen weapons in exchange for gold nuggets.  

Places of Interest

Fire Island undoubtedly gets its name for the red volcano located at the northwestern tip. The volcano is hard to scale and sulfuric fumes makes the terrain difficult to journey. Carved into the volcano are stone-cut steps, leading to a cave whereby a strange shaman has decided to make his home there. The islanders know to avoid the shaman, for he is unfriendly.   Prison Colony
  A large stone garrison that was once fortified from the inside, more concerned that the prisoners may get out than whatever wishes to get in. Much of it lies overgrown with vegetation and wild flora. Throughout the hallways, are rooms reminicsing the days where inmates were tortured and experimented on. There are stairs leading up to the battlements overlooking the prison yard.


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