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"Spices waft the air, merchants hawk loudly for wares, and the shifty eye pickpockets hang around the fringes of the market stalls, eyeing unsuspecting shoppers."
  The market is the center of any town or city. A hustling and bustling place where merchants travel across many miles to set up stalls, hoping to buy and sell items for gold. A market usually starts just after dawn, and stalls closes before dusk.   A market will buy and sell just about any item, except magic items.  

Selling Treasure

Opportunities abound to find treasure, equipment, weapons, armor, and more in the dungeons you explore. Normally, you can sell your treasures and trinkets when you return to a town or other settlement, provided that you can find buyers and merchants interested in your loot, for prices about less than half their cost unless otherwise stated.  

Arms, Armor, and Other Equipment

As a general rule, undamaged weapons, armor, and other equipment fetch about less than half their cost when sold in a market. Weapons and armor used by monsters are rarely in good enough condition to sell.  

Magic Items

Selling magic items is problematic. Finding someone to buy a potion or a scroll isn't too hard, but other items are out of the realm of most but the wealthiest nobles. Likewise, aside from a few common magic items, you won't normally come across magic items or spells to purchase. The value of magic is far beyond simple gold and should always be treated as such.  

Gems, Jewelry, and Art Objects

These items retain their full value in the marketplace, although finding a buyer for a large quantity may be problematic.  

Spices and Commodities

Due to demand and supply variations, these fetch their full value in the marketplace. Profit, however, is dependent on the price per quantity the merchant got his hands on originally.


  Not uncommon for various entertainer groups or travelling bards to set up their art in the markets, as the large crowd makes good busking business. Some entertainers may involve the audience to partake in their act, such as volunteering as an assistant for a magic trick, or a friendly wager of sorts. It is important to keep an eye out for your pockets, as often market thieves prey on their unsuspecting victims when their attention are turned elsewhere.



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