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Miner's Exchange

The Miner’s Exchange is a trading post where local miners have their valuable finds weighed, measured, and paid out. In the absence of any local lord or authority, the exchange also serves as an unofficial records office, registering claims to various streams and excavations around the area.   The exchange is a great place to meet people who spend a lot of time out and about in the mines and mountains nearby.   Occasionally, miners may take curious purveyors and would-be investors down to the mines as a guide, of course for a small fee.  


The follow ores and gemstones may be appraised and traded depending on the Exchange's coffers and demand.   Ores - GP Gems - GP Bronze - Ruby Hematite (Iron) - Sapphire Coal - Topaz Adamantium - Diamond Mithril - Emerald Titanium - Silver Obsidian - Fire Crystal Chromite - Fulgurite Crystal Gargantine - Blue Crystal Chaotic - Coral Celestial Bronze - Gold Stygian Ice - Pearl


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