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Lord Azzur

Lord Varek Azzur is the infamous corrupted ruler of the City of Thieves, Port Blacksand.


  Azzur is a mysterious figure even in Blacksand, where he is only occasionally seen, covered entirely in black robes. Only two people are said to have seen his face; his personal holy-man who he consults once a month, and, according to popular legend, a man, who snuck into the palace through Blacksand's extensive sewer system, and entered his bedchamber at night; his dismembered body parts were later discovered as a warning to others.   Lord Azzur only ventures out from his palace inside his ornate coach, and he will always be swathed in black robes.   Azzur is served by a select band of trusted people, who have been taken from their homes at a young age never to return. They are trained to be loyal to Azzur above all else and may never leave the palace. Only the most trusted servants, for example the coachman and the head of the kitchens are allowed contact with the outside world.


  Lord Azzur is a cold, calculating, tactician. His brillant mind allows him to plan several steps ahead of his rivals. Lord Azzur still enjoys sailing in his ship, Face of Chaos, up Skull Coast, and is a collector of exotic flowers, such as the Black Lotus that he has his gardener grow in his Public Gardens in Port Blacksand.

Early life

  Varek was born from a rich family in Cauldron. He was kidnapped by cultists and as part of the cult's ways, had their god burnt brands into their faces and bodies as part of their initiation. If scars formed themselves into the cultists' runes then the acolyte would be accepted, if not then death would follow. Azzur was forced into becoming an acolyte but as a result of the scarring, he did not return back home and started a life of piracy.   Azzur rose to the ranks of a Pirate Captain aboard his galley, the Face of Chaos, and raided the port town called Blacksands Town. The rest is history.

New Leadership

  Azzur is served by a select band of trusted people, who have been taken from their homes at a young age never to return. They are trained to be loyal to Azzur above all else and may never leave the palace. Only the most trusted servants, for example the coachman and the head of the kitchens are allowed contact with the outside world.   No one has a direct audience with Azzur himself, but speaks to his devoted dark servants, known as the Eyes, Ears, and Mouth of Azzur.   During his iron rule of Port Blacksands, the city prospered, and the trade and tax made Azzur a very rich man.
"His word is the law"






Dark Devotee  


Lawful Evil


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