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(Tarnath Tör)

Throben, once a radiant and ethereal floating city, met a tragic and cataclysmic end when it crashed to the ground. The fall of Throben is a tale of hubris, sorrow, and the immense power of forgotten magic.  

Time Magic

The most dangerous spell, Time Stop, came from Throben, and it led to the collapse of its entire civilisation, washing its existence into the eras of time. Mastery of the spell not only freezes time, but allows the caster to manipulate time and space itself; moving seconds forward or travelling to moments past. Tampering with the fabrics of time can cause disasterous consequences.  


Throben used to be the centre for learning and trading in the mountains. In the dwarvish tongue it is known as Tarnath Tör, the Floating Mountain, and its inhabitants are powerful and respected wizards. During that time, some say magic originated from Throben itself. The very air surrounding Throben was thick with magic, and it feeds into the wizards' spellcasting.   The fall of Throben became a legend, a cautionary tale of a great city brought low by the very magic that sustained it. It serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between power and responsibility, and the consequences of pride.   Today, Throben's legacy lives on in the myths and stories told by those who remember its glory, a beacon of lost grandeur and a warning to those who would seek to harness great power without understanding its true nature. The remnant of the great city are now reduced into ruins, and buried with snow and ice in the far Frozen Wastes.  

The Fall

During the Orcun War, the wizards were too prideful to use the Orb of Scrying, and did not ever thought the Orcs would ever lay siege to the floating city. A lowly apprentice of the Supreme Magister secretly used the Orb, and to his horror, the Orcun invasion was already nearing the doors of Throben. The Orcun had rode on airships pulled by their ally Dragons, shrouded in mythical mist disguised as clouds by Orcun High Shamans.   During the chaos and fighting in the city, the apprentice hastily removed the city's Mythallar, in hopes that the Orcs will never get the secrets of Time magic. Mythallars are vast devices of great magical power, and normally, coming into contact will obliterate someone to dust. The Mythallar chose to be removed, and in that moment, the city's floating magic was disrupted.   As the city's magical foundation crumbled, Throben began to descend slowly at first, then with increasing speed. Buildings shattered, gardens wilted, and the once serene sky filled with the sounds of chaos. The inhabitants, wise and noble beings with an inherent connection to magic, faced the inevitable with a mix of despair and determination. Their pride would not allow them to run from the Orcun horde, nor choose to abandon their great creation. The wizards tried to cast Reverse Time Stop to rewind time, but without the Mythallar's source of magic, their spells went haywire.   No one knew what happened to the Orcs and the wizards after the city fell.  

Life in the City

Throben's architecture was a blend of grandiose classical designs and fantastical elements. The buildings were constructed from shimmering materials that glistened in the sunlight, giving the city an otherworldly glow. Towering spires and elegant arches dominated the skyline, while intricate carvings and mosaics adorn the facades. The city was laid out in concentric circles, with the grand palace at its center, symbolizing the heart of Throben.   The wizards often flocked about the Sky Gardens, pockets of verdant greenery, connected by elegant bridges. The gardens were filled with exotic plants, colorful flowers, and enchanting wildlife. They served as a place of relaxation and contemplation for the city's inhabitants.


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