Mondo Not Cool

Mikey looked around the bedroom. Everything had a punk rock aesthetic, its walls lined with posters of bands, professional skateboarders, and some custom painted skateboards that were hung up. The room was messy, with magazines and clothes piled all over the floor.

Jason walked over to a reptile enclosure and pulled out a small madagascar gecko from the tank, hand feeding it a worm.

“Hey buddy, you miss me?” He asked the gecko, scratching under his chin. “Yeah, I look a little different don’t I?” He was relieved Lars still recognized him in this form.. “We’re twinning now, bud! So epic!”

“OMG you got a bean bag chair too!” Mikey said as he flopped onto the bag. “Yours is way comfier.”

Jason stripped the torn up uniform off of him and pulled out some of his clothes from the dresser, putting on a worn tee with the graphic of a lizard skeleton with the words ‘Livin it Up’ on it. He grabbed a pair of old skater pants covered in patches and started cutting a hole in the back with scissors.

“Woah, what are you doing?” Mikey asked, sitting up.

“Cutting a tail hole,” Jason said as he put them on and his gecko tail slumped out through the back. “Hmm… Should I put a pair of fingerless gloves on my hands AND feet?” He wiggled his long lizard toes.

“That’s true fashion,” Mikey said solemnly.


Jason finishes mutating and becomes a half gecko mutant. When he realizes what happens to him, he blames the turtles and runs off, but then Casey arrives to talk some sense into him. She confides in him her time in the Purple Dragons in order to relate to him struggles and eventually convinces him to give the turtles another chance.   He rejoins the rest of the group and informs them he'll be leaving The Foot effective immediately. He requests Michelangelo's help to retrieve his stuff from his home so he can move out an not have to confront his father about his new mutation. While there, Mikey discovers that Jason's father is in fact Hun, who inconveniently comes home when they are trying to grab Jason's stuff.   After a swift getaway, Jason decides to change his identity, changing his name to Mondo Gecko and pimping out an old watch tower to stay in. As thanks for Mikey's help, he offers to teach him skating, and tell him they can be friends.
April 14th, 2023
Chapter Number
Ooze Heist
Read Here

Season 3


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