
Michelangelo Hamato (a.k.a. Mikey, Mike, Michael, Angelo)

Michelangelo is the youngest brother in the family as well as being the fun loving optimistic one.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physical Features

Mikey appears as a humanoid spotted turtle. Like his brothers he stands upright like a human and has three digits on his hands and feet. Mikey is smaller than his brothers with rounder, softer features, including his smooth, hard shell decorated with peach spots. These peach speckles continue all over his body, and he has a heart shaped marking on his beak.

Apparel & Accessories

Mikey wears a full orange mask that covers the top of his head, and an orange belt. His knee ad elbow guards are also tied on with orange cloth and he has white bandages on his wrists and ankles.   When he wears clothes he tends to go with anything brightly colored and fashionable. He leans more towards street fashion or whatever he finds cute, and has the most diverse wardrobe of his brothers. He is also unphased by wearing girl's clothes.  

Human Form

When using a Cloaking Brooch Mikey appears as a young Asian boy with freckles and heavily tanned skin. His messy brown hair is dyed blonde at the tips and kept out of his face with an orange headband. He wears an oversized sports hoodie and white shorts, with shoes that are often untied.

Specialized Equipment

Mikey is a champian of the nunchucks. His first pair were made out of wood but he eventually gained a Yokai Weapon set instead. These have the ability to extend the length of their chain.  

Special Abilities

Mikey is small in stature but the quickest of his bothers. His mutation allows him to be nimble and move quickly and efficiently. What he lacks in raw strength he makes up for in the sheer speed of his attacks, and his ability to dodge oncoming attacks with ease. He's flexible for a turtle and it often the one doing the most flips.   He develops the ability to use Godai, in particular the element of Wind; associated with open-mindedness, swiftness, elusiveness and a carefree attitude. It allows him to manipulate wind at his command, and it comes the easiest for him than all his brothers, as he's very in tune with his emotions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mikey had just hatched when a stray Mutagen canister washed down river and knocked him out of his nest, sending him careening downriver. Eventually, he got pinned on some rocks along with 3 other turtles. They were all eventually rescued by Hamato Yoshi who took them to his home to nurse them back to health in his bathtub. Hewas far too young to remember anything from his mutation. He was practically an infant when he mutated, and after Yoshi mutated as well, he raised the boys as his own sons.   Mikey was always the baby brother and his siblings were always extra protective of him. He could usually easily get his way by crying or acting cute. He was always the one to annoy his brother while at the same time hiding behind them whenever things got scary. When the boys each grew out of the crib except for him, he would cry until someone came and snuggled with him.   Mikey started learning martial arts at 6 years old. Normally Splinter would have liked him to be older, but Mikey simply wouldn't be left out of the fun. He didn't get his first part of nunchucks until he was 10. He never took training seriously, and instead spent most of his time watching tv, playing games, reading comics, and learning art.


Mikey was homeschooled and never saw a real human school, though he would often watch TV shows about highschoolers and write stories about him and his brothers going to a human school. These stories usually were about all the fun clubs and friendships of school life, rather than the studying he dreaded.

Intellectual Characteristics

Mikey is a little slower on the upkeep than his brothers. He isn't stupid, but he tends to space out frequently and forget things. Often times his mind is so preoccupied with other thoughts he doesn't listen instructions. While he's not book smart by any means, he's the most adept socially than any of his brothers.

Personality Characteristics


Mikey has a hero complex in the sense that the idea of becoming a superhero and using his skills to fight crime and save the day is appealing to him. But under this shallow motivation is the desire to protect his brothers like they protect him.

Likes & Dislikes

________ Likes Dislikes
Color Orange Black
Food Pizza, Burgers, Hotdogs, Junkfood Anchovies, Vegetables(not on pizza)
Music Rap, Hip Hop, Dance, Pop, EDM Classical
Activities TV, VIdeo games, comics, parties, outings. Meditating
Book Spiderman (comics count) Any of Donnie's nerd stuff.
Game Tony Hawk Pro Skater

Virtues & Personality perks

Mikey is a ball of energy that can lighten up a room instantly. Every day is a party for him and he will jump at the chance to hang out with people and make new friends. Despite his isolation, Mikey is a very social person and craves attention from others. He is the most emotional and empathetic on his team which allows him to talk some of their enemies down rather than fight.   Even when he has to fight, he is a worth opponent. His quick moves make him hard to hit and harder to predict. When he sets his mind to it he's can fight without even thinking.

Vices & Personality flaws

Mikey's lax nature can be his downfall at times. He can be lazy and goofy at the wrong times, and he tends not to listen to or remember instructions. His carefree attitude often leads him to skipping training and not taking fights seriously, and it usually backfires on him. He has poor impulse control and will do things spur of the moment without thinking through the consequences.   Sometimes he can be too emotional and a little cowardly. He has been known to get easily overwhelmed and cry when things get difficult., thought thankfully his brothers are usually around to support him.


Family Ties

Mikey is close with his immediate family as they are all he really has. He loves his brothers and Splinter to death and would be devastated if anything happened to them.


Mikey tends to be goofy and bubbly most of the time. He has this chill jokester attitude he carries with him even in dangerous situations, and he tends to use a lot of slang, especially dated slang he heard on TV. Mikey is always moving, whether that's bouncing in place, silent dancing, or spinning his chucks, the boy has a lot of energy and needs to move.   If Mikey is emotional or just needs to turn up the charm he will go into 'little bro mode' where he acts very small and vulnerable to get attention or to get his way with something.

Hobbies & Pets

Mikey adopts a mutant cat they find in the woods during a mission and names him Klunk. He feeds and cares for Klunk, perhaps a little too well considering how chunky he's gotten.




Towards Donatello




Towards Michelangelo



Mikey and Donatello grew up together and formed a bond being the two youngest siblings who had to work harder to catch up with their older brothers. Calling themselves Team B, the made a little brother pact that they wouldn't see each other as rivals like Leo and Raph did.   Donatello gave Mikey a space in his work shop for his painting and often would let him paint or come up with cosmetic designs for his inventions.

Relationship Reasoning

Despite being complete opposites, Don and Mikey are quite close with each other, both sharing the burden of the younger brothers that have to compete with Leo and Raph. They don't see eye to eye on many issues but avoid having blow up fights with each other neurodivergent solidarity. If they do fight it's usually in a mildly teasing manner, and they know better than to call out each others weakness.   Their differences make them a stronger team cause where one lacks, the other makes up for.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Mikey and Donnie have very little in common, but they do enjoy making things together, and if they need to relax, Donnie is usually the one to join him in a video game.



Towards Michelangelo




Towards Raphael



Raph and Mikey grew up together. While Leo played the role of responsible older brother, Raph got to be the cool older brother. Growing up Mikey and Raph where a tag team of trouble makers. Raph would often put Mikey up to doing stunts that would break the rules, like stealing snacks from the top of the fridge or sneaking out in the middle of the night.   Mikey became a little harder to manipulate as he got older, but instead he started coming up with the new plots, which would often turn into prank wars between him and Raph. These wars would get heated and turn into all out brawls that they had to be physically separated from.

Relationship Reasoning

Mikey and Raph has always had a teasing relationship with each other. Mikey has a tendency to annoy Raph and push his buttons on purpose, and Raph will usually retaliate by smacking him or snarking at him back. Mikey only teases Raph because he feels like he needs to lighten up a little, but sometimes he can take things too far, and really upset Raph and get into a fight with him.   Despite not getting along all the time, and Mikey constantly getting on his nerves, Raph is very protective of his little brother and will get very angry if anyone hurts him. He just has a hard time openly expressing his love for his brothers outside of agression.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Mikey and Raph both love being active. They will often be found wrestling each other in a turtle ball on ground. Whenever Mikey wants to go exploring he'll usually take Raph with him.



Towards Leonardo




Towards Michelangelo



Mikey is Leo's littlest brother. Growing up Leo has always had a protective role over him, and he was who Mikey would always go to first to feel safe. Whenever he was lonely at night or had nightmares, he would get up and snuggle with Leo in his bed.   Seeing Leo start training is why Mikey started training as young as he did, as he found it unfair to be left out of a fun activity with his big brother.

Relationship Reasoning

Mikey is always more laid back than Leo's more serious an cautious personality. This often causes Leo to scold Mikey for goofing around when they are trying to be serious. But it's exactly Mikey's lighthearted nature that Leo needs. He is always the one to convince Leo to relax and do something fun, instead of stressing about ninja stuff all the time. In return Leo is an important guiding figure that keeps Mikey focused and on task.   Because Mikey's so empathetic, he's the first to notice whenever Leo is in a funk and will try his best to cheer him up, or at least be a decent distraction.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Mikey and Leo both enjoy watching anime together, and once you get them going on that topic, they can talk for hours about it.



Towards Michelangelo




Towards Leatherhead



Leatherhead's first encounter with the turtles didn't leave a good impression. He emerged from the water while the turtles were hanging out on the beach, and they quickly drew their weapons in self defense. This sent Leatherhead into one of his black out rages and he attacked the turtles.   Mikey was the first one to notice that he seemed to have some control of his actions as he avoided disturbing a nest of baby sea turtles mid rampage. Mikey used this as an opportunity to try to get through to him, dropping his weapons and speaking to him calmly, even offering him food. This was enough to shake him out of it and he profusely apologized for attacking them.   After explaining himself the turtles forgave him and were eager to help him on his mission.

Nicknames & Petnames

Pequeño - to Mikey.

Relationship Reasoning

Mikey likes hanging out with Leatherhead cause he's cool and big and another mutant like him. Mikey is one of the few people who can talk him down when he has an outburst, as he's sympathetic of what he's going through and won't treat him like a monster.

Mondo Gecko


Towards Michelangelo




Towards Mondo Gecko



Their friendship didn't start off on the best note. While Jason and Mikey hit it off well when they first met in the Foot Headquaters, Jason felt betrayed when he found out Mikey was just undercover to steal from the foot.   When they met again, it was in the middle of a mission, where he would get exposed to mutagen and begin to mutate. His team ditched him, leaving him for dead, but Mikey insisted on helping him, despite their history. After he mutated, Mondo decided to leave the foot and stay in the forest with the turtles.

Relationship Reasoning

Mikey is often eager to make friends and Mondo is no exception. After realizing the foot are just normal people, he wanted to try to convince someone to rethink and leave it, knowing that being in the foot is dangerous.   But with Mondo it was also just that they hit it off so well when they met that Mikey thought it'd be a shame if they couldn't be friends just because of their affiliations.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Mikey and Mondo have a lot in common. They share a fun loving attitude and both like things like skateboarding and video games. They are both very social and extroverted and love hanging out with each other.



Towards Michelangelo




Towards Klunk


Relationship Reasoning

Mikey is Klunk's favorite person and spends the most time with him. This is mostly due to how much time Mikey spends with him and takes care of him. Mikey takes the primary responsibility of feeding and caring for Klunk.

Mutant Type
Spotted Turtle
Year of Birth
2009 13 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Donatello (Brother)
Raphael (Brother)
Leonardo (Brother)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark green
Known Languages



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