Ooze Heist

“I finally got my rebuilt mouser working again and I’ve been working on reprogramming it so it can follow his friends without my camera feed being detected. April helped me with the code. “

Leo squinted. “Why?”

“So I can scout out his lab.”

“... Why?”

“Well…” He paused, realizing this sounded bad. “We’ve been so focused on the Yoroi Ketsueki lately that we’ve let our other enemies coast under the radar.”

He pulled up a screen on his computer to show Leo, who leaned over to rest his head on Donnie’s shoulder as he looked. It was pictures of the different mutants they had tagged in the woods. They grayed out one by one.

“A bunch of the big mutants I’ve cataloged have disappeared without a trace,” Donnie said. “I haven’t gotten a signal from any of these guys in weeks.”

“Maybe they got killed?” Leo suggested.

“If that was the case, I’d still get a ping from the trackers where their body is. But their trackers have been disabled all together. I have a suspicion Stockman is involved.”

“And your plan is to… spy on him?”

“Precisely. He’d never expect one of his own mousers to be compromised.” He gave a smug smile.


Karai encounters a mouser and confronts Baxter Stockman about his actions in the Rockefeller Contamination Zone and finds out about the Mutagen. She then reports back to The Shredder who finds interest in the chemical.   Donatello is using his repaired mouser to spy on Stockgen after several mutants had gone missing, only to find The Foot breaking into the facility and stealing mutagen.   The boys realize no good can come from this and hop into the Battlebago to stop them. After an intense chase they discover Jason is part of the heist and gets his by a large barrel of mutagen, which drenches him and causes him to mutate.   The rest of the Foot abandon him out of fear, causing the Turtles to have to intervene and save him.
April 4, 2023
Chapter Number
Meet the Parents
Read Here

Season 3


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