Mouse Holes

The robot had a large egg-shaped head with jagged metal teeth on its jaws. It was set on a simple body attached to two sturdy, short legs with three-point cleated feet. The light in the center of its head blinked at the four of them.

“Robot,” Donnie whispered in awe. “That’s a robot!”

A dozen more identical robots walked up behind the first. Mikey inched closer to Donnie. “Uh, Dee…”

“Um,” Donnie said in response, gripping his bo staff at the ready.

Leo quickly joined them, pulling out his bokken warily. “What are they?”

“Robots?” Donnie offered nervously. “I don’t know, I’ve never seen them before. Judging by the size of their jaws, though, I think they’re what’s been snacking on the reservoir.”

“Snack time’s over, then,” Raph growled.

The robots moved just as suddenly as they’d appeared, charging at the four turtles with surprising speed. Donnie yelped and swung his staff to smack one away, sending it careening against a tree. Mikey flailed his nunchuck with a robot attached to the other end around frantically. Raph was hopping from bot to bot, stabbing his jutte into their backs.

Leo noticed several more that had made their way to the reservoir wall and were climbing up with the use of their cleated feet curling and anchoring into the concrete. They left pocks behind in the wall, creating weaknesses that would one day become holes that would have to be patched.

“I’m going up!” Leo shouted, making for the tree and swinging his way up to the top of the wall. There, he spotted several of them hop down into the reservoir water, making him stop and stare in confusion. “Don, are robots supposed to be waterproof?”

“Not really!” Donnie was grinning as he smacked another one into the ground. “These are fascinating, though, a technological marvel! If they’re not being manually remote controlled it’s even more impressive, because that means they’re reacting to us as a threat to their directive!”

“Or we are the directive!” Raph corrected, stabbing another one through the back.

“They’re kind of cute,” Mikey commented as he slung the one attached to his nunchuck against a tree.


The turtles notice heavy damage done to the forest, their equipment, and more importantly, the Old Forest Reservoir. When they go to investigate the damage, they have their first encounter with Mousers. The mousers attack them and steal canisters of mutagen from the reservoir and escape into the sewers. The turtles follow it and find themselves in NYC for the first time.
July 16th, 2022
Chapter Number
Kit Kat
Read Here

Season 1


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