
"Donnie, you might wanna look at your armor."

"What about it?" He asked before undoing his straps and removing his armor. It was something he didn't like to do when still outside.

Donnie yelped when he saw the giant crack and punctures going across the middle of his armor. The hard outer leather layer had been ripped into, and two of the thick leather blocks had been destroyed. The metal layer underneath had been scratched and had a crack in the center. That must have been the source of the cracking sound.

"Oh no, no, no-! My armor!" Donnie cried. "This will take days to fix!"

“We’re heading back, then,” Leo told him.

“Wait, what?” Donnie snapped his head up. “But the mutant’s still out there, we need to go after it.”

“Not when you’re down armor, Don. It’s too dangerous for you to be without it.”

“Yeah we wouldn’t want your shell to be naked,” Mikey teased.

Donnie narrowed his eyes at him. “Stop.”


The boys are out hunting down a Mutant in the forest as part of Donatello's plan to tag, register, and contain every significant mutant they can find. In this case, the mutant was a large and dangerous serpent hawk. During the mission, the others don't really listen to Donnie, causing them to make crucial mistakes that not only leads to the serpent escaping, but also his armored shell to break. Leonardo immediately calls off the mission due to Donnie lacking protection, which frustrates him, as he insists he can still fight without it. Still everyone heads back despite his protesting.   Donnie is tired of brothers treating him like he's the weak, fragile one, so when he gets another hit on his forest cameras, he goes out to catch the serpent on his own; regardless of if he has his armor or not. At first, he is doing pretty well, using his tech to track down and capture the serpent, when he's interrupted by Mousers in the forest again. These ones are new, bigger, fancier, and are also hunting down the serpent. The mousers use cruel methods like tasers to knock out the creature, which forces Donnie to intervene.   The mousers no longer have the easy weak spot on their heads, and keep getting up no matter how many times he knocks them around., until they collectively tase and capture him as well. Baxter Stockman appears for the first time as a hologram inside a mouser, and gloats to Donnie about it.   Donnie manages to find a weakness in the new mousers as Stockman is talking, using the extension feature of his Yokai Weapon to knock out the hinges at the joint of its mouth, causing it's head to come clean off and power down. Even though he's free from one, he still has about a dozen more to deal with, which all bite and claw at his sensitive shell. Eventually his brothers are able to come in and help, and it's only by listening to Donnie that they also know the weakness and can destroy them all.   The get home and patch up Donnie, where he loses a bit of confidence in himself after getting hurt, until Leo gives him a pep talk.
September 27th
Chapter Number
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Season 2


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