
“I’m going outside,” Raph muttered, turning to head out.

“What happened to the cabinet door?” Splinter asked. “Raphael?”

Raph stopped, tightening his fists. “Why do you think I did it? Mikey and Donnie are the ones standing over there.”

Mikey’s mouth dropped open in the way only the youngest sibling getting thrown under the bus would. Donnie was quiet, starting to chew nervously on his mask tail.

“What happened to the cabinet door?” Splinter repeated.

Raph scowled at him. “Fine, I broke it! You happy? I fucking kicked it because those two wouldn’t shut up about spaghetti! Donnie tracked in oil through the house and used an entire bag of rice up just to fix his junk! Mikey’s telling me I have to take down my posters and had paint all over him! Then they wouldn’t just let me cook! Now Leo comes in all high as a kite because he got to go to the city with you, when I was the one who wanted to go the most!”

“I won the race, Raph, that was the deal,” Leo frowned.

“We let you win!” Raph snapped at him.

Leo’s head pulled back sharply as though he’d been slapped. Somewhere in the quickly drowning logical part of Raph’s mind, a small voice mourned the loss of the close relationship he’d managed to build up with Leo since he’d been injured. He couldn’t stop the anger bubbling up, though. It was spilling over, all the small things that had annoyed him all day, into this one moment.


Raphael's anger issues flare up when he's frustrated that Splinter is taking Leonardo out on an errand run instead of him or even the both of them. Instead he's left at home to stew in it while Don and Mikey argue about petty stuff in the background and their normally irritating quirks push him over the edge, and he breaks a cabinet   When Splinter and Leo return, they scold him for breaking stuff. Having had about enough he snaps at the both of them and hits Leo, despite knowing his shell is still recovering. Once he realizes this, he runs off to the city to cool down, where he meets up with Casey. Initially he won't talk about what's wrong, Casey offers to go do some vigilante stuff. They find some Purple Dragons riffling through stolen loot and decide to beat them up a little. That's when Hun, returns, looking for revenge from their last fight.   Raph's anger and Casey's recklessness makes them both sloppy, and Casey gets badly hurt in the fight. Raph took a moment to calm himself down and focus on the fight, and ended in knocking hun out. After they had both moved to safety, Raph apologized and finally told Casey about the fight he had with Leo. Casey in turn told him about the story of what happened to her friend Arnold, and why she left the purple dragons.   After Raph gets home he decides to apologize to Leo.
September 14th, 2022
Chapter Number
Amevello Blue
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Season 2


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