The Beach Episode

Raph kicked a can out of his way. “I hate how we have to always hide in the gross parts of town. We have human disguises, why can’t we go to a real beach?!”

“There’s a high chance of losing the brooches in the water,” Leo reminded him. “And we don't need that happening in the middle of a giant beach crowd.”

“Besides, it’s actually not that fun to be on a popular beach,” April pointed out. “It’s crowded, people are loud, there’s always one bitch that keeps shaking out her towel and sends sand flying into your face. Seagulls steal your food, there’s some kid shrieking at all times, the dudebros keep smacking their stupid volleyball right into your umbrella and knocking it over and they don’t even apologize they just giggle at you and flex their stupid muscles like that’s supposed to be an apology before they run off and do it again a half hour later–”

“I get it, I get it!” Raph waved her off. “Down, April!”

“She’s right, though!” Casey insisted. “The popular beaches are the shitty ones. They’ve got trash on them, too.”

“I prefer this. You can actually hear the ocean and appreciate the tide pools,” Donnie noted before grimacing as he stepped on seaweed. “Eugh, I take back everything I said, this is horrible.”


April and Casey take the turtles out on a beach trip using their new cloaking brooches and they find a liter covered, but otherwise empty spot they dub Garbage Beach. Despite the quality of the beach, the turtles have a good time basking in the sun and swimming in the ocean. They even find some baby sea turtle hatchlings nearby that the clear a through the garbage for.   Just as they are about to pack it up for the day, a large Mutant rises from the shore and attacks them. It's only when Mikey notices he's avoiding hurting the baby turtles, that he offers the calm down the mutant with food. This snaps him out of it, and he profusely apologizes for the outburst, introducing himself as Leatherhead.
September 29th
Chapter Number
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Season 2


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