Agdon Longscarf Character in Tol - Shards of the Shattered Pact | World Anvil
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Agdon Longscarf

Agdon Longscarf is a Harengon Bandit who leads a troupe of other brigands of the same species. His banditry was stopped by Zybilna when he began to practice his perfidy in Prismeer. She captured him, nailed his scarf to a tree, then caused it to grow a mile high. With Zybilna out of the picture, however, his men chopped the tree down and freed him, and he began to rob the innocent again. It was revealed that he was actively serving the Hag Bavlorna Blightstraw who rules the lands of Hither, giving her the best treasures from his robberies in exchange for her overlooking the laws around theft. His fellows admired him greatly, making up marching songs about him that they sang as they headed off to robberies.   When the Witchlight Court faced Agdon and his band at the Brigand's Tollway, they succeeded in grabbing and holding onto his scarf, which he'd always claimed was made of lightning that he'd stolen from a storm. Robbed of his ability to escape them, he was revealed as a coward, and his band deserted him in disgust. He was forced to swear to seek out the Goblin Jingle Jangle and apologize to her (and return her truffles.)
With sticks and stones, we’ll break your nose; We’ll beat you blind and steal your clothes. But none among us can compare To one wily, swift, and stand-up hare— Scarf that’s glorious, thief notorious, His deeds are truly meritorious!     With a wink and a grin, he’ll show his cunning; A flash of his scarf, he’ll take off running. Quick as a bolt, his long scarf trailing, Gasping, grasping, you’ll end up flailing. You’ll pout, you’ll moan, you’ll huff, you’ll sneer; Thanks to Agdon Longscarf, brigand prince of Prismeer!  
  • The Agdon Longscarf March
  • Children


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